My husband and I read the book and follow it loosely. I do think there is something to it although, to some, it may sound kind of odd. For me, I've always been a natural vegetarian, never known what it is like to crave meat. It wasn't until I read the book that I realized that according to my blood type (type A), that I am biologically meant to be a vegetarian. My husband, on the other hand, has to have some form of animal protein in his diet in his diet in order to feel good (he's a type O). And although I don't limit my children's diet, it is interesting to see that my one child who has blood type A also prefers to eat a vegetarian diet while my other one who has a blood type O seems to crave meat like her dad. They seem to be intuitively eating the foods that are right for their body.
As for the wheat issue, it seems that a lot of people have difficulty digesting wheat nowdays. If you feel that wheat is a problem, try going off of it for 3 weeks to see how you feel. (One week is not enough time to clear the wheat entirely out of your system.) If wheat truly is a problem for you, you will feel crappy the first few days that you are wheat-free, during your detox period, and then you will feel fantastic after that and then, once you reintroduce wheat after the 3 week period is up, you will probably see all of your old problems flare up again with a vegenence. If you feel fine after reintroducing wheat again, then it may not be an issue for you after all.
Hope this helps. Have a good weekend.