Have you tried raw Goat milk or even powdered Goat milk? Those that are lactose intolerant fair pretty well with goat milk. You'll need to sweeten it a teeny teeny bit w/organic, light agave nectar. Slowly mix the milk he can drink with the goat milk (do 1/4 goat with milk, then 1/2 goat 1/2 milk, etc., till you have slowly eased him/her all goat milk, otherwise if you start right off with goat, they may not drink it. Check this site out. http://www.meyenberg.com/ Akins carries it.
Read this link too: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2003/0...
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Per Dr. Mercola:
Mainstream medicine may finally one day come around to admitting that cow's milk is just plain bad for most people's health, especially when it is:
•from hormone-treated cows
•from cow's treated with antibiotics
•from cow's which are not fed their natural diet of grass
However, it is a promising sign that they are beginning to realize that cow' milk protein intolerance can occur days and even weeks after ingestion and that symptoms may not be the "classical" ones that accompany many allergies. If you are intent on giving your kids some type of animal milk, a somewhat better choice would be goat's milk, although some children with IgE mediated cow's milk allergies (positive skin prick test) have been found to also react to goat's milk (J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999;103:1191-4).