Sounds very normal. Many women find Kegel Exercises to be helpful. Also, when peeing stop midstream and hold it for a few seconds and then release. Try this once each time for a week and then do it twice each time to strengthen your bladder. There is a possibility of a bladder infection, so I would try a few home remedies first (if it doesn't resolve or if you get any pain, burning, fever or other symptoms see a doctor right away).
1. 1/2 tsp baking soda in a glass of water. This changes the acid balance in your urine and can be quite effective.
2. Drink plenty of water to flush out the bacteria.
3. Cranberry juice - pure juice no additives or sugar.
4. Vitamin C taken throughout the day about 1,000 mg.
5. Use pads and not tampons. Cloth menstrual pads are better than disposable as they do not contain chemicals or gases that can cause further irritation or infection. My favorite are Fresh Moon pads as they are super comfortable, preshrunk, and last years!
If it doesn't resolve by the time you have insurance, it would not hurt to see a doctor. Better yet, see a midwife or natural doctor that can offer some serious exercises and treatments that will help restore normal function.