Awesome job on getting to 1 year!!!!! Weaning definitely doesn't need to be cold or dramatic. As far as losing interest....well, you might have an easier time when your baby is naturally in a period where she's less interested in nursing. They seem to go through periods of much interest and periods of disinterest as I like to call it.
Anyway, here are some strategies that I would use. If your daughter is really attached to BFing right now, you might find find putting restrictions on it is easier than replacing sessions at first. Or waiting until she's less attached. I wouldn't wean while she was working on new skills or teething.
-Nurse only in certain areas of the house like the same chair or the bedroom for example. This will help break the nursing association if she's used to nursing everywhere. I used to nurse my daughter where ever. So I only nursed her in my bedroom or hers for a while.
-Don't sit down. Do distract. My daughter used to nurse every time I sat in the living room with her. I would constantly redirect her.
-Nurse at designated times. This works better with older children, but you can try it. If your daughter wants to nurse, you can tell her the next time you'll nurse is -after lunch/before nap/fill in the blank. Offer a sippy of water or milk instead.
-Don't offer, but don't refuse.
-Remember to offer a lot of cuddling so she doesn't miss out on the contact she would have had if you were nursing more often.
My daughter was around 22 months and only nursing for sleep times when I did the following:
-Made sure we had a consistent nap and bed routine. It used to be lay down in her toddler bed and nurse to sleep. So instead I incorporated reading books and ending with nursing to sleep.
-I moved reading books after nursing.
-Then I slowly decreased the length of time she could nurse.
I think my daughter was around 16 months when I started with the earlier techniques and we finally weaned around 25 months. She was a very attached to nursing kind of kid. However, it was not traumatic or anything. It also didn't magically make her sleep through the night. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case sleeping through the night is a factor in weaning. Didn't make a difference for us.
Good luck! And again, congrats on nursing for so long!