ENT Referral for Tonsil Removal

Updated on March 20, 2009
K.A. asks from Walled Lake, MI
5 answers

I need a referral to an ENT for my son who is 5. His ped referred me to Dr Leider in Farmington Hills. Has anyone had any experience with him? I'm nervous about him having the surgery, although I know it will help him breath so much better. Thanks.

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answers from Detroit on

My firends daughter see's Dr. Glen Green out of UofM at Haggerty rd office. She talke today about how great he is with her daughter & caring he is. So i thought i would pass on a good reference to Gr Green as well.



answers from Detroit on


I will say this, after the sugery you will be so glad you did it. I have 3 girls and the first 2 both had their tonsils out at the age of 5 and they both recouped fine and were 10 times better and healthier afterwards. I am now facing the same struggle as you with my now 2 year old, she has almost kissing tonsils and they need to come out, I have been through this twice before but 2 seems so much more helpless than 5. I saw Dr. Yerman out of Commerce and he is very very good, my daughter will probably get hers out at Huron Valley Sinai which I have been very impressed with



answers from Detroit on

I took my son to Dr. Leider and was very comfortable with him. He was very nice to our son (great bedside manner) and very respectful of my concerns and nervousness. My son only needed a minor in-office procedure, though, so I can't speak to his abilities for something more involved like hospital and surgery.



answers from Detroit on

We had Dr. Glen Green out of U of M and he was FANTASTIC! He works out of the U of M clinic on Haggerty just south of 8 mile in Livonia.



answers from Detroit on

Hi K.,
I can give a great reference for Dr. Leider. He did surgery at the Berry Surgery Center on Orchard Lake Rd. He was highly respected and very thorough. I used to work there for 17 years and the nurses thought very highly of him, many doctors used him for their children! Hope this helps.

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