Oh yah. Sooooo did that. Each of my breasts was literally Bigger Than My Head. It was like I was Anime Girl. Would have been funny if it hadn't been so painful/impractical. (I had to wear two of my husband parka SHELLS to get to the lactation consultant, one frontwards and one backwards because nothing even came close to fitting. Ugh.)
She did 3 things: Gave me a soft plastic nipple cover thing to use while nursing for the next couple days until the un-engorged themselves.....AND said feed, pump, & express away. Clear it all out, and after a couple of days the flood would retreat. Which it did....AND said have at the tylenol and ibuprofen (2 extrastrength tylenol, 800mg ibuprofen), ice, & recliner (aka, don't try and do anything that was going to be bouncing them around.
The anti-inflamatories & pain relievers, icing, and expressing provided instant relief...the nipple shield thingmys helped my son get a LOT more milk (was the best thing at relieving the pressure, actually)...and after a few days my breasts figured out that they didn't have to feed octuplets.