Family Weekend Roadtrip Ideas - Within a Few Hours of McHenry County IL ??

Updated on February 26, 2011
A.F. asks from Lafayette, IN
5 answers

My husband and I want to take our 2.5 yr old son and go on a short weekend road trip next weekend....Leave thursday afternoon and return home Sunday morning. We have only lived here a few years so we are not sure what we want to do/where to go.

We are in the far northwest suburbs - near McHenry IL. Want to do something we would all enjoy (Hubby resisting indoor water parks right now, such as Dells or Key Lime Cove - he's not into swimming right now and wants to do that another time). Where would be a good place to take an almost-3 yr old active little boy, within a 2-3 (or 4 max) hour drive of our area, that we'd all enjoy? Indoor activities - as it is still really cold and gloomy outside. We'd want to stay overnight in a hotel. (We have already been to the Kohl Kids museum recently a few times....)

Any good recommendations, ideas? Any places to avoid?

Thanks in advance for your help moms!

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answers from Kansas City on

try for some ideas.



answers from Chicago on

There is a hotel in Milwaukee that has an indoor pool/water park made for little ones and it is really close to McHenry, IL only l 1/2 hour away just up Rt 12 to Rt 43 to Milwaukee, WI. There is the Betty Brin Children's Museum by the lake in Milwaukee and there are museums just as good as the Science of Industry all within miles of each other. It is a great place to visit with great restaurants and things to do and see with out the hustle and bustle and prices of Downtown Chicago.



answers from Chicago on

What about Starved Rock in Ottawa? I've heard good things about it.



answers from Chicago on

If you want to be indoors and avoid water parks and want to entertain your little one, museums are a great option. If you haven't spent much time in Chicago itself, that's what I would recommend. A few quick suggestions:
- hotel with pool; your son can still swim once or twice but it's not the focus
- Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, Field Museum, Museum of Science & Industry are all good choices
- Navy Pier for Children's Museum, IMAX movie and other activities
- Art Institute, Museum of Contemporary Art
- Lego Store
- Lincoln Park Zoo
- there are also other less well known museums worth considering
- Children's theater production -- there's always something playing
- Millennium Park - outdoors but pick a nicer day and walk through the gardens, go ice skating (there's a less well know ice skating rink a couple blocks from Millennium - go about 2 blocks east on Randolph)

There's so much to do in Chicago that I can't write it all here. Milwaukee might have some things too and Indianapolis is also a great family-friendly city. They have an awesome Children's museum.

Wherever you choose - have fun!




answers from Chicago on

How about to to Downtown Chicago, walk around inside the magnificent buildings there, go to the Shedd aquarium, museums and then settle down for a movie at night?

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