hi, thats wonderful to have ebf for 6months. to answer your question, no she doesnt need water as breastmilk is primarily water and as long as you nurse enough, and she has wet diapers, she is fine. if on hot days you worry or she seems a litlle dehydrated, offer more breastmilk. all books will advise of that.
as to the salt, i beg you to change this habit. yor baby as you said has just started solids. she should be eating just a few things right now to get used to textures, but her nutrients are from the breastmilk. offer her saltfree things and if she doesnt take them, its ok as her food supply is from you, not the solids. now if you want to make more interesting things, please get a babyfood cookbook for appropriate foods at her age. but for the salt, even if she doesnt like plainer foods, use herbs to flavor. salt is an aquired taste, something learned. if you start her at such a young age using salt, she will lean towards them instead of less flavorful things(like she will rather have salted vegetable soup than fresh green beans).
salt is not good for us and is the main reason for high blood pressure in this country. my husband has horrible genetics with blood pressure, but when he eats less processed foods, his blood pressure improved greatly. do you know plain rice has no sodium, yet one serving of the "chicken" flavored rices have about 1000 mg of sodium. to put it in perspective "Most recommend not exceeding the range of 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams (mg) a day for healthy adults. Keep in mind that the lower your sodium, the more beneficial effect on blood pressure." so if you just eat one serving of rice, you already ate half of your daily allowance in one little side dish. remember, just because you think salt goes on popcorn or butter goes on corn, a baby would eat it plain. we shouldnt be putting our tastes on our baby. starting now is the time to set healthy eating habits in place, hopefully lasting a lifetime.
please please read thsse articles, babies get the needed amount of sodium from breastmilk. too much can damage kidneys. or use other herbs as salt is the only one to be a true health hazard, for all ages.
i applaud you for being so concerned about being more natural in terms of feeding your baby. im sure once you read the information, you will reconsider the salt. that being said, you may also google baby led weaning or baby led solids. or you could check out the threads on the la leche website about it. since you already take the extra time and work to make fresh meals, this might be something you would consider. good luck to you and good luck with the foods:)