Forgive me because I am no expert in the Catholic religion, but I thought being a God-parent was a pretty serious undertaking and asking someone to fill those shoes is not a decision to be made lightly.
I didn't know that being a "registered" Catholic was the most important criteria.
I know your feelings are hurt over pictures and not receiving a thank you as of yet, but I might be more offended that it seemed like such a last minute thing, almost a whim because you're the only Catholic she could think of.
As I said, I'm not Catholic, but my little sister and I had a God-father. He wasn't a blood relative, but it was well understood that if anything happened to our parents, "Uncle" would take care of us. Not only did he love us, but he had the means to see to all our financial needs for the long haul, if need be, and took his role seriously. We had no baptisms and no formal ceremonies, no formal photos, but my mom has a whole album full of photos with him as part of our family. He wasn't just a title.
That said, with the holidays and everything, I would give a little more time for an acknowledgement of the gifts. I would be more concerned about talking with your friend to clarify what she meant by you being the God-Mother. If merely having you stand up at the ceremony for "ritual" sake, fine. I'm not sure why a person would have to be Catholic in that case. If your role as God-Mother is supposed to be further in depth than that, it merits further discussion. I thought it was more involved than that.
I don't know...I think some clarification is called for. I'd be hurt too if you took it more seriously than she did. It's not a fair comparison, but it's kind of like having a maid of honor or bride's maids at your wedding. Those aren't usually the last people you get around to thanking.
Anyway, we don't always get acknowledged in this life the way we should.
That doesn't mean we won't still get our stars in heaven.
Never regret having been the gracious one.
Just my opinion.
Best wishes.