Fertility Doctor in Nashua Area?

Updated on March 12, 2008
T.Q. asks from Hudson, NH
10 answers

i have been trying to concieve number 2 for 15months and no luck, i dont currently have an obgyn, does anyone know a good one around nashua, or should i go to a fertility center? ive heard about new england fertility center, but dont know anything about it, any info on what i should do would be appreciated, thanks

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answers from Boston on

you have to try evergreen woman's health care, with Alan and Becky Green.. they are great, and they helped me conceive my son and daughter. they are at 280 main street...I think the number is ###-###-####...

Alan is most wonderful...


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answers from Boston on

You might try Drs. Alan and Rebecca Green. Located at 280 Main Street in Nashua. Telephone number is ###-###-####. They have been in the area for many years and are well known. They specialize in fertility and gynecology.

S. Holt



answers from Boston on


I would HIGHLY recommend the Fertility Center of New England. They are the reason that I am a Mom to our beautiful 13 month old girl. They were the first and only ones who took me seriously and we ended up requiring IVF to have our daughter. Everyone is very professional but also caring. I used the site in Reading (well worth the drive - I live in Nashua as well) and obviously can't say enough about them. If you have any questions about the office or procedures specifically, I'd be more than willing to answer any questions. Best of luck.




answers from Boston on

Hi T.,

I don't know about one in Nashua, but the one I used (and still go to) is in Manchester, Manchester Obstetrical Associates. They are awesome fertility specialists and helped me concieve baby #2 and also find a diagnosis that no other doctor had! I have sent many of my friends there and have heard nothing but rave reviews! My Doc is Dr. Donofrio, but all the docs are terrific! Good luck!



answers from Boston on

Hi T.,
I ended up going to a place called the Reproductive Science Center located in Lexington, MA (they have offices all over the Boston area) & they were top notch (I just had a baby boy 4 months ago). They have a satellite office located in Bedford, NH. In order to make an appt, you have to call the Lexington office at ###-###-####. You may want to check with your insurance company before you see someone- most require a referral from your OB/GYN.
Good luck,



answers from Boston on

Hi T., I went to OB/GYN Associates of Southern NY - they have an office in Merrimack but practically in Nashua in the business plaza and DW by the DMV. They deliver at St. Joe's and I think maybe at Southern NH too. They were great! I was concerned that with so many doctors what if I didn't get one I liked on "D-Day" but it was a pleasure to see all of them. They were all great and very friendly. I see them from time to time when I go to the mom's group at St. Joe's on Thursdays which takes place on the maternity ward floor. They are always happy to see the moms/babies. I switched to them when I was unhappy w/the practice of an individual doctor I was seeing in Nashua while I was going through fertility issues myself. Good luck.

T. C., Nashua



answers from Boston on

I know you were lookingin the Nashua area, but I used a Dr in Salem NH to get pregnant with my first son, and he was WONDERFUL! Did what I needed right away to get the ball rolling!! Dr. Saleem....... excellent nurses, great care! Good luck!!



answers from Boston on


I had trouble conceiving with both of my children and used and still use Dr. Leonard Wasserman ###-###-####. He is awesome. Delivered both my boys too.



answers from Boston on

Hi T.,
You have to try EverGreen Women's Health Care. Dr. Green is a husband & wife team with a great staff. Excellent, professional office. I was so glad some told me about them when I moved to Nashua. Call today to schedule an appointment ###-###-#### and to contact the Fertility Coordinator call 603-577-FERT. Check out the web site http://www.evergreenfertility.com
Good Luck!



answers from Boston on

I highly recommend Fertility Centers of New England (Bedford & Portsmouth NH, Reading MA), run by Dr. Joseph Hill. Worked for us! Fertility is all they do. Although they 100% helped us, I do remember being surprised at how matter-of-fact business-like they were. It's straight talk, not all about feelings, which can be tough when you are already sensitive about fertility.

This place was referred to me by Dr. Kelly McMillan of the OB Gyn Associates of Southern NH (in Nashua). If you need an OB/GYN, I highly recommend her! She's fantastic.

I wish you all the best. I do know how hard this is.

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