Infants have higher body temps than us and older kids, they don't consider them to have a temp or even give meds til it is at least 101.
Hi Moms. I'm a mom for the 2nd time and I have to admit this has got me stumped. My daughter started running a low-grade fever this past Friday. Was around 99.9 for most of the day on Saturday and got up to about 100.8 Saturday evening. We have been giving her Tylenol that will break the fever. On Sunday the fever got as high as 101.5 but only briefly because Tylenol did the trick. For the most part she is still a very happy baby. She was a little grumpy when her fever was up but as soon as the Tylenol kicked in she was fine. No other symptoms whatsoever. She's still eating well and having an adequate number of diapers. On Monday we took her to the pedi and after a thorough exam he couldn't find anything outwardly wrong with her. No sign of ear infection, cold/flu, lungs sounded clear, no real signs of teething. He did mention the possibility of a urinary tract infection but in order to test would need to catheterize her and he felt that she did not seem ill enough to pursue that at this time. Unfortunately her fever has persisted. Again it has not got about 100.8 and then mostly during the night. For most of the morning and last evening her fever is gone even after Tylenol should have worn off. She is not overly cranky unless her fever is up all the other times she is a happy child. I am going to be calling her Doctor again this morning to see if I should bring her in or keep doing what I'm doing. I would be more overly concerned if she was acting more like a sick baby but I'm concerned that the fever has lasted this long. I keep hearing a lot about Roseola but the doctor said the fever is usually significantly higher. He wanted us to keep doing what we were doing as long as no other symptoms popped up or her fever started to climb but I was wondering if other moms out there have experienced the same thing. Thanks for the input.
Infants have higher body temps than us and older kids, they don't consider them to have a temp or even give meds til it is at least 101.
That's a hard thing to deal with, especially since your daughter is so young. My twins are 4 months old but I have a four year old and a two year old. This type of fever (and it's length of stay) would be easier to deal with in an older child.
What does your gut say? If I put myself in your shoes I would probably watch it for another few days and then press my doctor for more info. It could always be teeth related -- did your first child teeth early by chance? Or it could be a sign of something more significant. Something that would put my mind at ease, should the fever continue for more than 10-14 days would be a blood test to monitor your baby's blood counts. The fever means her little body is working at something, just got to figure out what it is.
Oh - a quick thought. When did she receive her last immunizations? Could this be a factor?
I am having the same problem with my daugher right now who is 3 months old... we have been to the dr 3 times in the last 2 weeks the 2nd time we went she said she has an ear infection and gave her amoxicillin... we went on Wednesday and saw a different dr and he said the ear infection is gone she could have a cold. What was the end result of your daughters problem?
Well, I say first of all..trust your gut! Do you feel like something might be wrong?? A friend just had a similar situation with her 5 month old, and she did in fact have the catheter testing done, and discovered that her baby did indeed have a UTI, caused by a kidney reflux. They are grateful now that the testing was done, otherwise, scarring could have occurred, making the situation more difficult to treat. Not that this is the case with your daughter, but if you are still concerned, get the testing done. I hope all goes well!! ~A.~
A fever is a sign that the body is fighting infection. My daughter gets a fever sometimes and it is just her body fighting off a virus. She will have one for a few days and then it will go away. She is 10 months old, and it happens every so often since she was about 4 months. Is she in daycare? I think it happens more often in babies that attend daycare, like mine. I know that it is frustrating when you take them to the doctor and they just say "she is just fighting off some kind of virus". Been there, done that. Another thing is that she could be teething. My daughter runs a low grade fever every time she starts teething. Hope this helps.
Well My kids always ran a fever when the were teething. Maybe you Baby girl is teething. Good luck
I would have them cath her to check for UTI. It might be unpleasant a few minutes but if it is a UTI and you don't catch it early it will end you up with a hospital stay with any infant. Both my daughter and son had UTI's as infants, my daughter was 5 wks old. My son 4 months (just 2 weeks ago). She will cry and you too, but trust me you need to rule it out. Hope all goes well.
when my baby gir was about 2 months some days she has fever no more than 100 and i give her tylenol and dissapear and then come back in about 3 days for about 2 more days and was gone i don't know why