My Fibromyalgia shows itself by pressure points being tender. The ones on my shoulders, the back of my shoulders, between the shoulder blades, on the back of my hips (I can't lean back on anything), and in my neck. I use cold to treat the pain. I learned during physical therapy that ice reduces the inflammation and therefore reduces the pain and nerve irritation.
If you have someone who will rub you then take Styrofoam cups and fill them about 3/4 full and freeze them, uncovered. Take one out when you are feeling pain and peel off the rim until the dome of ice is exposed. This way the person doing the rubbing has insulation around the ice and can hold it longer. They take the cup of domed ice and rub it over the sore spots. It feels really good.
I also like to do stuff in the swimming pool. The water cools and also puts pressure on the tissue too. That helps reduce the inflammation in the pressure points too.
My friend takes a medication that helps the pain of Firomyalgia but I think she has some side effects but she doesn't see them like I do. She takes Lyrica. It is relatively new on the market and the commercials on TV says that it can increase the symptoms of depression in some people. I think she acts more depressed than she did before she started taking it. She has increased her antidepressants but she sleeps all day and hardly ever gets out to do anything. She used to do more before she started Lyrica. So, if you do try Lyrica watch for side effects and ask your friends if they notice anything different and pay attention.
Only a doc can diagnose Fybrmyalgia correctly, many other illnesses can seem the same so seeing a doc to make sure is best.