After my son was born in Feb, I faced your same decision. I'm not very good with a pill, that's how my first got here, and I had complications with Nuvaring (side effects from the hormone) and that's how my second got here. So, I opted for the Mirena IUD. It only has a small ammount of hormone, so my Dr. thought I would do ok with it. However, I'd had it for a couple months before I started having side-effects. I've talked to several of my friends, and even aquaintences who've had it, and many of them have had headaches with it, or other mild side effects (like their belly bloated). I however had almost every side effect you could have... headaches, loss of energy, no sex drive, constipation, hair loss, bloating... All things that I wouldn't have thought were the IUD, and what Dr's told me weren't, but I had it removed last month, and all of that has been resolved-- go figure!! I also had a migraine so severe that I was in the hospital for 3 days because along with it came stroke symptoms, scary. Since I've opted for the paraguard IUD-- no hormones, and so far it's been great. The only difference with this one vs. Mirena is it sometimes causes heavier periods, with the Mirena, they are very light, and sometimes eliminated altogether. I wish the Mirena had worked for me. I like the idea of a shorter, lighter, or non-existant period. However, I also wish someone had told me what kind of side-effects there were. I thought I was going crazy for a while. I would suggest looking up online some more info, just to see what's out there. I found that there were a lot of women that had complications with it. I wish I had known before hand. Hope that helps!