So, when my son started last year in Kindergarten for whole days, I was so worried. He is my only child, I work night shift so I spend just about every single day with him all day long. I'm also a single mom. We do all our household work together, shopping, playing, everything. I was so worried I would simply be lonely when he went to school. The first few weeks I was very lonely. I wasn't SAD like many moms say. I have to say I got him on the bus, walked back into the house and thought "what do I do now?"
After a few weeks I began to enjoy getting stuff done alone, and charished that time he was gone.
I do have to say by the end of the school year, I was more than ready for summer, and I still can't say I'm ready for him to go back. It does get easier and your evenings will be super busy with him so give extra attention to the other two throughout the day!