I agree with Danielle..do the Taco Bar! I had a party for myself..my 41st birthday combined with my Graduation from college (4.0 Gold Honors woot woot!). We did "walking tacos"..no soft shells..just the mini bags of chips. At the local Sams Club we got the regular nacho cheese flaor and also the blue "cool ranch" flavor for variety. Did the meat before hand and had it ready to go in the crock pot. Also did whole back beans from cans (another small crock pot)..shredded lettuce, cheddar cheese, sour cream, onions, picante sauce etc. I even got a giant can of cheese sause for $6 and put that in a crock for nachos
We got everything at Sams Club and everyone loved it. We had some leftovers, but the meat we froze and the giant bag of cheese had a date till Novemeber..so I put it into a good large zip bag, wrote the expire date on the outside and we have used it for everything since then..eggs, salads, sandwiches, etc. The giant bag of shredded lettuce was $3, so tossing half of the second bag we had was not a major financial issue.
It was easy, inexpensive and just overall worked fantastic and everyone loved it better than the "norm:" of little blah sandwiches and chips and potato salad at these deals you always see.....