I might not have an "in service job" (or any other then mom and housewife at the moment for that matter), but what I did this year was I made a batch of cookies and split it between our mailman (wonderful man, remembers that there are 2 boxes for 1st and 2nd floors, and who we are when he sees us out and about, and always remembers if the kids got mail and tells them, and rings the bell if we get a package) the crossing guard, who is so sweet and ALWAYS knows if you arent there, and is so watchful of ALL the kids, and some to my oldest's teacher (younger will be in school next year) I also gave the teacher some of the bath soak the kids and I made and an oatmeal mix they helped with too. Her b-day was earlier in the month, and she let it slip that she shared one with one of the little girls in class, I happened to finish making the scarf I intened to give my mom for Christmas (only took a few hours mind you and there was tons of yarn left, still is lol) and I wrapped it up for her as a birthday gift. Some people might think I spoiled her as I also fixed her computer (what I used to do and miss doing) but my thought is, the only thing it cost me was a little time I had not planned on but found anyway. Keep in mind that she gave out cookies to the class moms that helped at the parties they have had, and she gave me a small gift card for working on the computer. I feel that I had the ways and means to do this for them, and I give because I want to, not because I feel I should. There are quite a few friends I have that wont get gifts from us this year as we just dont have the means. I feel that the homemade things were fine. Noone should feel that they MUST give, or guilty that they can not give. I would rather the gift of time from a friend that shouldnt afford something then have them be tighter on cash then they need. One of my friends came to our open house and made zepolis in my kitchen for everyone to share, that meant alot to me.. (sorry this is so long!)