I agree with asking your pediatrician, but the other advice about trying lactose-free or soy formula is good too. My first was fine on the Enfamil regular, but the second had to have soy formula.
Another thing we discovered that was a WONDERFUL money saver is that the FDA requires all formulas to contain the same nutrients -including store brands. This differs if you're using a specialty formula, but you can get regular, soy and some lactose-free in store brands.
The spit up does sound pretty normal, but if he's extra-gassy and crying all the time, go ahead and try some of the non-lactose varieties. And Bug is correct, some people seemingly have completely lost their minds over the concept of breastfeeding. You will get SO much unsolicited advise AND sometimes chastisement over not doing it -even though no one has any idea why you're not, and there are some VERY valid reasons (including not being comfortable with it or liking it). Just ignore those people! Enjoy your new baby and good luck with finding the right formula for him. Just remember -no matter what they eat (including breastmilk), some babies are gassier and fussier than others!