I have a 4yo DD & I'm also 32. I stayed home with her for 4 months after she was born, then went back to work, then stayed home again for another 4 months when she was about 18mo old, and then went back to work and am currently working full-time outside the home!! I have an amazing husband who supported me through all of the transitions and, very fortunately, an amazing little girl who adjusted beautifully to the changes I had to make to adjust on my journey through motherhood.
When I stayed home when she was 18 months, it didn't take me too long to understand that I was a better mom when I worked. For my sanity, and her happiness, balance in the home, and for financial reasons it was clear to all involved that mom had to work. It wasn't ONE thing that was the deciding factor...really a combination of everything. I'm VERY ful-filled in my life and VERY happy with the choices I've made. My daughter is very well-adjusted and social. She gets along with all kinds of people and the time we spend as a family is amazing. I'm tired when I get home, but I want to be near her and don't need a 'break' from her after a hard days work. It's hard to be a SAHM. I have been there and it's the hardest job on Earth. It's also hard to be a SAHM mom and perhaps feel like there isn't a 50/50 balance in your family because hubby works and you're at home with the kids. I want my hubby to be just an involved as I am with the duties of children and by staying home, I felt it was more aimed at me and me alone because he was the breadwinner and I was the mom. He never said that it was "my place" or anything like that, and maybe we as women/moms put that label on ourselves...but it was my internal feeling (or my guilt?) That didn't sit well with me and I'm all for "this is your child too and I don't give a rat's behind if you've worked all day <I did TOO>, you NEED to change this freakin diaper!". I find few SAHM can demand that and get it, which is wrong, they should be and they are only showing their kids it's OK for one parent to dominate the other based on their 'roles' in the family. I think parenting should be 50/50, regardless of whose income is paying the bills. JUST MY OPINION. June Cleaver was never me and will never be...now Martha Stewart maybe! ;)
I could carry-on, but there is too much to write here! Take care and know that you're not going to be a horrible mom if you go back to work. Whatever you decide will be the best for your family and only you can make the decision. Write me if you need more support from a "been-there, done-that" working mom!! Also, if you want my opinion on center vs. in-home care, just ask!! I can give you an ear full on that too! LOL
One thing I must say, I DESPISE it when I hear that by sending your child to daycare it's like letting someone else 'raise' your child. I SOOOO disagree. My daughter has learned trust, respect, honesty, values, faith, empathy etc etc...from her family...not from some daycare worker who happens to be with her for 8 hrs a day. If that was true, why send your child to public school for thirteen years??? Did those moms stop raising them when they hit Kindergarten? I didn't think so.