Four year olds are VERY distractable, and have SO many other things on their list of what's important in the morning. Like, that matchbox car on the floor, or the stuffed bear on the bed, or the clouds rolling by the window... (you get the jist). I think four is very young to expect him to get ready by himself - my six year old still needs prodding in the morning, and probably will for several years still. You could break it down more to help him complete one task at a time. "Good morning! How did you sleep? I need you to go pick out some clothes. Wow, a red shirt today! Ok, now put your clothes on. Nice job, please walk to the bathroom and brush your teeth." You are going to need to stay close by and walk him through each step for a while, until you can pop in and out and walk him through some of the steps, and then you'll be able to step back and throw out some quick reminders. You could also make a picture chart of each step and put it in his room where he'll see it when he gets up, and go through it with him. Be patient, four is still very little, and he has spent the last four years mastering major life skills (like talking, walking, eating...) Getting ready in the morning is more of a social skill, and social skills take a life time of practice to get right!