My mom works with Spec. Ed. kids a lot and says this is almost always a sign on Cerebal Palsy or something similar. Sensory Integration issues is another possibility like has been already mentioned. Unfortunately, most peds pay no attention to this unless the parents have other concerns. Early Childhood Connections or Child Find may be able to give you some information or other contacts. They both only work with 0-3, but could tell you who to talk to for older kids. Those are free resources.
Pay resources are Children's Hospital who would make him a very high priority, or a good friend of my mom's started the Kid Foundation. They are excellent, but expensive. It will be the best care available. The website for the applications, etc., is We actually are getting our son in over there for OT and PT as well.
Maybe you can encourage the mom to take some action on her own. My nephew never got help for this, and it's so easily helped. It's hard to see a kid struggle so much that could have had so much help! We have great resources here! GL!