Hi P.,
I read the other ladies answers and I wanted to add that MOST gall bladder issues are referred pain from a toxified liver. My sister had 3 surgeons tell her she needed her gall bladder taken out because of the pain she was having. She is a lot like me and doesn't like the thought of surgery (AND believes that God put that organ in our body for a reason).
She went to an ND and got a totally different diagnosis. He did some blood work and diagnosed NACL (non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver). The liver is designed to purify your body and of course it takes the toxins away from the other organs. This condition, NACL, is so common these days because of the toxins we ingest and absorb. He did a liver detox and the pain went completely away. No surgery. That was 7 years ago and she is fine...and still has her gall bladder.
The point is...just because there is a pain somewhere doesn't necessarily mean it is something in that very spot that is causing it. You may need a liver detox. I would definitely do that before I would consider the medical alternatives. Find an ND in your area and get some blood work done. If there is an issue, you need to take care of it before it gets to the point of no return.
God bless,