I have four little ones ages 5 to 5 months and two of the four had acid reflux. Mine would spit up after every feeding, bottle or nursing, but they would also scream and thrash in pain for an hour at a time through out the day and night. We do have a family history of acid reflux and thankfully my mom is a nurse in the NICU. I did have to put both on Zantac even though I was completely against it but it did stop the screaming and it helped some with the spitting up. since my two are a little different than yours what we did to minimize the spitting up is (my five month old is still at that stage) make sure she is sitting up, maybe a car seat or highchair, for up to 45 minutes after she has eaten and I only use Carnation Good Start. The other two major brands really made the spitting up worse and gas and constipation… etc, etc. I did not even consider giving them to my third or fourth baby. My first two unfortunately were the guinea pigs for most of the things… diapers, what foods, what formulas. My second baby, who is four years old, was my first baby with this; his spitting up stopped around the time we started him on table food. Now when I say table food I mean real food, none of my kids would eat baby food even the expensive baby food so I just started making my own. I know I have rambled but, I hope somewhere in there is some help.
:) jenny