My daughter was potty trained 9 days before she was 2yrs. I wouldn't use the pull ups or diapers because the children know the pull ups are basically the same things as diapers. My daughter ran around with no bottoms on and a big t shirt. (When we were home). They understand then nothing is there to catch what their releaseing. So, try not using the diapers or pull-ups anymore. At night, avoid them as well. Also, take her to the bathroom everytime you go. Children love bubbles and I used the bubble trick. Meaning, everytime they go potty in the toilet (normal toilets, their potty makes bubbles, especially boys. The poo part is fun for them when they can watch it dance down the hole or make out all the digusting colors. Try a penny jar. They dont know the difference yet of value. Get a bank or jar or bucket she can paint and or decorate and let her put a penny in for everytime she uses the potty. Make a big deal out of the toilet when she is done. Praise her and jump around like full of excitement for her. Let me know