I am so sorry you are going through this. It is not easy. I was told my son had colic by pediatrician and er doctor but I knew something else was going on. He had no symptoms, it was all internal. At 6 wo they prescribed zantac which worked on the 3rd day. He still had a couple bad moments in the following 2 weeks but he is now 4 mo and doing great....as long as he gets his medicine. We have since switched to Axid as it is better tasting (but not by much).
Please know that I tried everything before hand. Gripe water, elimination diets, cranial massage, holistic doctor, ginger tea, and the list goes on. If they worked I'd still be doing them. But they didn't work and western medicine did. Ask an adult that has acid reflux to deal with it for 4 mo to 1 yr. Not so pleasant! I recently was told about pH balanced water that seems to be helping adults with acid reflux but I have no additional information as of yet. Other things I found helpful were: bouncing on the big yoga ball, a swing that goes side to side (not front to back), breastfeeding upright and as crazy as it sounds...a childrens vibrating toothbrush for him to hold or just have next to him. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions.