Gettin Pregnant Again

Updated on March 17, 2010
D.M. asks from Long Beach, CA
13 answers

after a D & C..........when should we start trying to conceive again?

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answers from Honolulu on

I was told to wait 3 months, and I got pregnant with my son as soon as we started trying again. Good luck!

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answers from Los Angeles on

My doctor suggested 1 month. Good Luck!

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answers from Denver on

I had one and the doctor told me to wait 6 mos. However, I did get pregnant in three months and all turned out fine. Did your Dr. give you a time frame?

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answers from San Diego on

I had a D & C and my doctor just said wait for one period, then try again. I did that, got pregnant, and it worked and had a beautiful girl!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I would talk to your doctor as every situation is different. But, to give you an idea my doctor told me to have one "normal" period after the bleeding ended. I did and I got pregnant 2 months later. Also, for some reason a woman is much more fertile 6 months after having a miscarriage. I don't know why this is but perhaps it is nature's way of helping a woman move forward.

Good luck!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I miscarried but didnt have a D& C (the baby came out naturally). We were pregnant less than 3 months later.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Wait till you start your 3rd cycle. That would be 2 periods from now.

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answers from Honolulu on

I believe they tell you at least 3 months depending on what was the problem. I had a friend that had one because of a different reason than mine and they told her 6 months to a yr. I would ask the dr if I were you.

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answers from Nashville on

I have heard multiple answers to this question from different doctors. So it is probably a matter of opinion somewhat about how long is necessary to be absolutely safe. My doctor told me 6 weeks of nothing vaginal for healing, and 2 months before trying to conceive. I have also heard one month, 3 months and 6 months. I personally (based only on my opinion) think 3 is probably ok, and 6 would obviously be best. The longer you go, the better healed your uterus is and the better chances you have of conceiving and carrying. I think it also makes a difference if it is your first miscarriage or after multiple tries. One month doesn't seem long enough to me, especially if you are not fully healed at 6 weeks after a baby. What did your Ob/Gyn say? You can always call them and ask if they didnt say or you don't remember. It may depend on how well your procedure went, also.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Wait for 1 period to come naturally, then try whenever you are ready. In the past, many drs recommended waiting for 3 months but it was to give time for emotional healing. If you're ready, you don't need to wait that long. Once your body has cycled through itself (and you've gotten your period), your body is ready to host a baby again.

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answers from Los Angeles on

My dr told me I could start immediatly. i had 1 period, and then got pregnant.

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answers from Los Angeles on

My doctor told me to wait atleast 3 months... or 3 regular periods.
Good luck!

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answers from Las Vegas on

After my D & C I bled for 2 weeks straight (it was pretty heavy, like the first few days of your period). After I stopped bleeding, we got pregnant was amazing as I had tried for 1 1/2 years prior to that!

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