Hi N.,
First of all, be sure she is getting enought to eat during the day. Be sure to record how many ounces it is if you are bottle feeding.
Secondly, do not feed her between meals. Feeding should be every four hours at this age. Even if you need to carry her around for the last half hour. This way, she will be very hungry when she does eat, and will fill up and get enough to hold her over till the next feeding.
At night, try getting up and giving her a pacifier rather than a feeding. Pat her untill she goes to sleep. Alternatively, you definitely can let her cry it out, starting with the middle of the night feeding. It only takes three days to change a baby's habits and schedule. Babies as well as adults benefit greatly from a regular schedule.
Once she gets a good 6 hour stretch down pat, you can tackle the next feeding you wish to eliminate. Some families like to give a "power feeding" before they go to bed, even though it hasn't been four hours. i.e. if she ate at 8pm, you could try feeding her again just before you retire, i.e. 10pm. I have been involved in Baby Nursing for the past 14 years, and have run a nanny service for the past 24 years, and there are consultants who can either come over for a couple of hours and advise you or even do it over the phone. Alternatively, you could hire a baby nurse to come at night for one week, and she could train the baby within that time. The Baby Nurses have lots of "tricks" they use to gently ease the baby into sleeping 7 pm to 7 am, usually by 7-8 weeks. Once the baby has doubled in birthweight, she is ready to start sleeping through the night.
The best gift you can give your baby is a well-rested Mom!
Recent research has shown that a Mom who gets 7 hours of sleep uninteruppted will regain her pre-pregnancy weight by the baby's first birthday. Sleep is more important than food.
Also, babies who learn to self-soothe grow in confidence and happiness, and homes and babies on a good schedule are happy, quiet & pleasant & when they get older, they do the best in school academically.