Hey L.
Well, been there, done that and doing it again! My oldest is 7 and in 2nd grade at a private school with uniforms (thank goodness or we'd never get out the door!). But when she was in preschool, she began wanting to pick out her clothes. I thought, no way! Isn't this too early to be going through this? Well, apparently not. We did have a few battles, but this is what I've learned, and it's sort of a compromise between the two schools of thought I see posted here. I did give her a little time to choose an outfit in the morning, and to heck with what it looked like. It looks like matching isn't your point anyway. If I came back in say in 10 minutes and she wasn't dressed, I picked out the clothes and put them on her. No questions asked, no other choices given. Believe me, she is easily distracted still to this day, so she ran out of time most of the time simply because she got distracted doing something else. Well, there were many days that started with a lot of weeping and wailing on her part, but I never changed my mind and stayed consistent every day. It seems to me that they want control over something in their lives, but life is just too overwhelming to make decisions on their own yet. So, it was a learning process for both of us. But I'm the mom and I'm bigger than her and I make the ultimate decisions. Once she learned I wasn't going to change my mind, things were much easier. I know people have all kinds of suggestions as to how to make it easier, and if they work, then great. But for me, I decided I wasn't going to let her manipulate the situation, whether it was for control or just pushing my buttons. So with this and everything else for that matter, I'm the boss. They need to learn how to deal with authority since there will be someone over them all their lives (teacher, boss, police, IRS, whatever). The sooner they learn that, the better off their life will be. And don't we all want our children to have the best life possible? God bless.