I was sick the very next day w/my second!!!! even before I could test.
We struggled getting pregnant w/number 2 as well....and did the temp/bum up, every 2-3 days etc.
If you're that sick, I'd say you are prego!!
Ok, so my husband and I have decided that we are ready for #2! (Yeah!) and we have been tryig a LOT this month. I was taking my temp, saw a little spike, and now it is down again. I got frustrated that it came back down and I have been feeling sick, so I stopped taking my temp. (It thought that it was supposed to stay up if I am pregnant...) I took a test (it was way early) but it was neg. I still feel like I have morning sickness, (more like all day, or evening sickness)... so I am wondering a few things:
1) last time I did not feel sick until afterI found out I was pregnant, anyone else feel it before the test was +?
2) when trying to have a baby, does it help to lay in bed for a while before "cleaning up" (sorry I could not think of a better way to say that) or should I put my legs up in teh air or something? LOL!
3) DOes anyone have advice on the taking the temp thing? I was doing it at the same time every day, with a basal thermomiter...
4) Has anyone used the "fertility supplament"? Is t better than regular vites? I take nutrilite women's packs (mulit, Omega3, hair,skin&Nails, and Calcium)
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for all the help!!! I am amazed!
So, I still don't know if I am pregnant yet, but I too everyone's advice and have ordered ovulation strips off e-bay, and I am RELAXING about it. I was hoping to know that I am pregnant by thanksgiving, and given my cycle, that should have worked, but now I am just waiting and enjoying every bit that I can with my daughter and the baby making process with my husband. And I am still going to keep preparing for the baby... -oh I am 29, non-smoker pretty regular vitamin taker!
I was sick the very next day w/my second!!!! even before I could test.
We struggled getting pregnant w/number 2 as well....and did the temp/bum up, every 2-3 days etc.
If you're that sick, I'd say you are prego!!
Hi T.,
You have quite few great responses here, so I will just put my two sense. Relax, relax, relax. Make love, not a baby. Put the thermometer away and after you make love just cuddle with the hubby for a while. Enjoy your little girl, make love with your hubby and let the nature take its course. Do you really need all that extra stress? That might lead to quite few extra problems. You will get pregnant when you are at least expecting. So, just relax and enjoy the 3 of you at the moment.
Ironically my husband could tell I was pregnant with #2 before I did. He was saying I was pregnant two weeks before I missed my period, and eventually I started to believe him. Needless to say, when I took the EPT test a couple days after I missed it was a positive.
I think the second time around our bodies know what they are doing a little better than the first time around. I think I was about 4 months preggo with #2 when I started feeling the flutterings of movement. It was several more months before my hubby could feel them. With the first I didn't feel those flutterings at all.
As a thought I did the math and your two will be 3 years apart, if your first is still 27 months. Mine are 3 years, 5 months difference, and are chasing each other around the house playing as I type this. My son is 5, and my daughter is 19 months.
Good luck and my vote is that you **are** pregnant.
First, most people don't get pregnant the first time they try.
Second, relax, and find a way to have fun getting pregnant--be sexy and seduce him while you are trying to get pregnant. Go on a fancy weekend trip to a hotel downtown and have fun.
Find out which days you are fertile during the month and only try then. Relax and enjoy him and your relationship all of the time. You are lucky to have a good husband who wants to have a second child with you. Enjoy you life as it comes to you.
Basically when you're taking your temp, it should drop a bit then go way up. The drop is when you're ovulating... Read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler - it's an excellent book for those wanting to conceive. You should also check your mucus just to be sure as checking temperatures are a bit tricky. And there are also ovulation sticks which are pretty cheap in the States. They are probably your best bet. Also, I sometimes feel nauseous when I ovulate, which apparently isn't uncommon. So perhaps you are about to ovulate.... After your temp goes up, it generally stays up until you have your period, at which point it drops. Maybe you've timed your ovulation wrong? I charted for three years and found that I peaked on days 20-21 of my cycle whereas all the literature makes you assume that everyone should peak on days 14 of their cycle. Everyone's different... Did you chart for your first pregnancy? Hope that helps. Good luck!!
I didn't read the other responses so I am sure I am going to repeat someone. And it appears you got a lot of info so I'll be brief.
Get the book Taking "Charge of Your Fertility" You can check it out at the library if you don't want to buy it. It is great and it explains all about charting. You should take your temp the first thing in the AM after at least 4 hours of uninterupted sleep. Take it when you wake but up before you get up to pee, talk or do anything. And it should be at the same time each day. Sometimes people do get a low temp after they get high temps around 5-7 days after ovulating. But, you need to be really exact with taking your temp. You can get lots of help on babycenter.com if you go to the message boards and go on whatever month/year you would be expecting, there is always a group of charting ladies that are trying to concieve as well.
When I was trying to get pregnant, I did stay laying down for at least 10 minutes with my feet up. I think it helps but I don't think it is neccessary.
As far as taking temp definitely at the same time of day. Research it on babycenter.com
As for 2. and cleaning up I think common sense is to stay laying down for awhile to prevent gravity from working against you. That's what we did...I didn't worry about putting my legs up but just lay down for 10 min or so after.
Why are you trying to get pregnant if you didn't have to with your first? Just relax and let nature take it's course! The more you try to control nature, the more stress you put on yourself and the harder it is to get pregnant. Relax and enjoy the process. It will happen, if it hasn't already. Good luck to you!
If your not preggers yet, I would try getting an "ovuloscope" or ovulation testing strips. You can buy wither online at ebay. The scope tells you when you are ovulating 7 so do the tests, they look like preggers tests. But I remember taking tests for about a week after being preggers before the test was postive. Good luck & have fun!
I think that your statement about your daughter - you got pregnant w/out even trying, says it all...why should this time be any different - this is your first month of trying...and from what I understand, there is no need to "try a lot" - every other day is generally recommended...
Tracie - I really recommend a fully safe and natural supplement that supports our endrocrine system. If you find that you are having a hard time conceiving let me know and I can send you the info. on it. This has helped many get pregnant - W.
Not crazy questions at all, I wish I had message boards when we were having a hard time getting pregnant. YES-stay in bed, legs elevated - pillow under your rear, legs in the air, etc...for 1hr, it does help. The temp thing drove me batty...
We had to use Chlomid for our 1st two pregnancies... supplements are good, being careful of your diet, cut out caffiene, etc.... good luck! Two is fun! (we have 4 - it just gets noiser!)
First of all, I have to say that I completely understand your questions and concerns. My husband and I had to "try" with both of our pregnancies, and I never felt "stressed" as much as I felt more aware of every little thing. Don't let those other posts make you feel bad for being concerned. And as for those that say being "stressed" will harm your chances, I work full time, have a toddler, and definitely know there is stress in my life (not emotional, but just that busy life kind) and I still got pregnant within 3 months of trying the second time...You didn't mention your age, but it was definitely a factor for us, so the desire to do it sooner than later was there.
I definitely felt pregnant with #2 (am due in May) before that first positive. You always want to wait until at least a day before your period and use a very sensitive pregnancy test...research "sensitive pregnancy tests" online. I didn't get a true, obvious, positive until about 3 days after my missed period.
As for trying--you should ideally be having intercourse daily, or every other day starting about 11 days from the beginning of your last period, for about a week. You can get Ovulation Predictor Tests online ( http://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/ ) and use those to see when your body is preparing to ovulate. They worked well for me, they come with instructions and they are a lot cheaper if you order them online, than getting them at the drug store.
Also, check the book, "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler out of your local library. There are lots of great tidbits for timing intercourse around the time of ovulation.
I always put a pillow (not a big huge one, just a normal one) under the lower part of my bottom after intercourse. It tilts your pelvis just slightly. I did that for about 20 minutes, then "cleaned up" as I normally would.
WIth pregnancy #2, I could not chart my temperature because I was always waking up (lots of different reasons), so I could not rely on my temperatures--you need to be just waking up from at least 4 hours of SOLID sleep for your temps to be accurate. The Ovulation Predictor strips were very beneficial the second time because I had no reliable charts. That might be something to consider in your situation.
I used a supplement called "Pregnancy Prep" by Vitanica. The main ingredient it VITEX, and some other "uterine tonic" herbs. I did go to a botanical store and bought herbs to make a fertility tea with (much cheaper than buying the fertillity teas online), but they were too high in mineral content and gave me an excruciating headache. The vitex/herbal caps were about $12 a bottle and had similar ingredients. I had a friend who wanted to get pregnant after going off the pill, she took Vitex to regulate her periods and got pregnant very shortly after (within 3 months).
Yes, some of us women aren't so lucky to have to "not try"...so don't worry! It took me 4 months with my first and 3 with my second. I learned so much about my cycles and my body through the trying, it was worth it!
Best wishes! Feel free to send me a private message if you have any other questions!!
Hi T.,
By words of wisdom about this is to not think too much about it. I got pregnant the first month off birth control with my first. This happened again on our first month without protection for number two. (Unfortunately I had a miscarraige at 8 weeks). From there I got into temping, charting, taking supplements, etc. Every month I felt pregnant and was very disappointed when the pregnancy tests weren't positive. As the months progressed my husband got tested and I went through a bunch of tests. We were having sex a lot, but not enjoying it at all. After trying for 10 months, we went to a fertility specialist. (I was 37 at the time....they make you wait a year if you are younger). We were two weeks away from starting IUI and low and behold we got pregnant. In hindsight I recognize that all of the thinking about getting pregnant, temping, testing, etc was working against us.
My words of wisdom are to try to have sex and enjoy it. It will happen.
Hello dear,
I know it's hard to relax. Once you make the decision you want it to happen NOW! But with "fertility awareness" they always stress that 1 days temp doesn't mean anything. It only makes sense in the larger pattern. So when you take your temp (and for accuracy it should be the same time every morning, when you've had at least 3 hours of solid sleep and you haven't gotten out of bed yet) you have to wait for the next few days of temps to roll in before you know if it was an unexplained spike or an upward trend. I agree with the advice to read, "Taking Charge of your Fertility" because there are lots of tidbits of information that it would be hard to really get to here.
My advice is to trust your body, have fun and don't worry unless you have to. Best of luck.
For whatever reason, the temperature taking was not accurate for me- perhaps because I have really long cycles- 32-38 days. I tried charting for 7 months. What made it really easy & clear was using ovulation strips. I know in the TCOYF book it says they can be inaccurate, but for me it was the temps that were inaccurate. You can order ovulation strips online really really cheaply - get a bunch, like 50, then you can feel free to use them twice a day, so that you don't miss your ovulation window. And knowing exactly when you ovulated will be helpfulf for your doctor or midwife - you'll know exactly when you conceived, and therefore what your due date should be. Anyway, we got it on our first try using ovulation strips. I would also put a pillow under my legs & stay there for 15 min or so after sex (not sure if it helped...). Good luck!
First of all, take a deep breath and breathe. Relax. You can't schedule everything in your life. You have a 27 mo old toddler and she hasn't taught you that yet???? Enjoy life and your husband. This is suppose to be fun. The harder you try, the more difficult it will be. Stress has a way of messing things up and you are stressing. You can go to the drug store and get an ovulation kit, much like a pregnancy test, it measures your hormone levels that trigger ovulation, giving you an window of opportunity. There are only a very few days each month that you have an optimum time to conceive. So exhausting yourselves in the pursuit of a child multiple times a week will only lead to frustration. Relax, enjoy life. It will happen. Take good care of the 3 of you!!!