These responses are so great! I have been laughing just reading!
I was going to give the same suggestion about the timing of your ovulation, girls being the "slow swimmers" and all, but you've heard that 10+ times now!
I had 2 boys and thought I was DONE, and while still nursing my second son, I assume I would've resumed my cycle around his 10-month mark, but never got my period back, and found out when he was almost 14-months old that I was "unexpectedly expecting" again! We had only THOUGHT we were done - but I had always prayed that if I got KU'd again (the first two were also conceived while on BC!) that it would be a girl, b/c I didn't know if I could handle 3 boys! So I had NO planning input into getting my little girl, except that I PRAYED PRAYED PRAYED and God gave me what I asked for! Doesn't always happen that way. My cousin had FOUR boys, really praying and hoping for a girl with #3 & #4, and once she and her youth pastor hubby started raising money and getting paperwork together to adopt a little girl, she found out she was pregnant, and FINALLY got her girl! Her 4 boys are all so sweet, and cute, and smart, and of course, you will love whatever you get - plenty of people never get what they think they want, and some like myself get what they always wanted, but it may not be all it's cracked up to be! ;)
If you are successful, message me - my BF and her hubby have had 3 girls, and were going to be done, but she thinks she wants ONE more and naturally they'd like a boy this time. So she is reading up on how to "cook" a boy!
Oh and I did just read something about foods the mother and father eat preconception and during the first week or so after that can affect the sex of the baby. It was a Yahoo news headline around the New Year, but who knows if that actually has any basis...
Best of luck- have fun *TRYING*!