Hi, Sylvia,
You are just a short drive away from me! Hi! ;o)
I'll bet you are having the same issues I am: Roasty toasty Missouri weather. My youngest wakes up (or can't seem to fall asleep) because it's too warm to sleep! We had all that nice, unseasonably cold weather and rain here in MO...and then jumped up 30 degrees in 2 days! ICK!
Both of my boys sleep in an upstairs bedroom, but even MY room is warm...with the AC going!
Here's what I suggest:
-If you don't already have a ceiling fan in her room, put one in. You can find good deals on them at Walmart or Lowe's.
-Also pick up a fan. I have one that oscallates in my room, but I put a big box-fan in my boys' room. I put theirs right in front of the AC vent (with a little space so it can suck the air) and I let them spread a blanket on the floor so they can sleep there if they want. They like it cranked all the way up to the highest setting, and it helps to blow the AC around the room (along with the ceiling fan). You could also just put an oscallating fan on her nightstand pointed at her bed.
-Room darkening curtains. Seriously. My kids are up with the birds. Room darkening curtains (another Walmart purchase) are gifts from the gods. They also help keep her room cooler during the day (the "out" side should be white, the inner side will be a colored fabric).
-Switch out the blankets on her bed. Just her sheets and one light blanket ought to do it.
-Let her sleep in her undies or very light PJs. My boys sleep in their underwear, but know they have to put on clothes when they come downstairs (to avoid scaring the cats...hehe!).
-If she reliably uses the potty and does not wet the bed, allow her a BPA-free water bottle by her bed...with all the fans, sometimes a drink is needed!
This is what works for me....Hope it helps!