We have a program at my work that is similar to the Angel program. In this program, the kids write letters to Santa. The teachers pull the poor children's letters and turn them into this program. They add their clothes and shoes sizes as well and stress if something is desperately needed (shoes for example). Some of the letters are hearbreaking....I once had a 6 year old who asked Santa for shampoo and food. This year, almost every one of the 5-7 year olds listed a laptop on their wish list to Santa (Vtech or Fisherprice). I had one of the 5 year olds who was all about Toy Story 3. I was able to purchase the VTECH Buzz Lightyear laptop for $40. This learning laptop may be a gift that all 3 could use. It contained a lot of programs etc. Boardgames also work to share. Another popular request from the girls (and one boy) in this age range was art supplies. They wrote "crayola sets." Good for you....you are making a big difference in these children's lives.