My son, had to take Amoxicillin as well once. And he is a very picky eater type. HATES medicines of any kind.
But what worked was: to eat a few Cheetos right after taking the syrup....and before as well if that helps. The Cheetos, cuts the taste of the medicine, right away. My son then had no problem taking his Amoxicillin.
The Cheetos, was the suggestion of our Pediatrician. He said for many kids, this works.
For my son, giving him something sweet with the medicine, did not work. His syrup was flavored too. He hated it. But with the Cheetos, he then took his medicine like a champ. And he had to take it twice a day for 10 days. He did so, without any problems.
The Amoxicillan, can be added to some drinks. But I believe, not in milk? Just read the instructions for it and the info sheet to make sure.
You don't have to give her Advil for the fever.
Advil will help with discomfort, but not 'cure' the fever.
A fever will return, if the child is still sick and the illness is still there.
A fever also, helps to rid the body of the virus/infection.
With my kids, I don't give Tylenol or Motrin for fevers, unless it gets real high. I let the fever, burn itself out.
My son, just had a fever from yesterday. I just took his temp frequently and through the night, to gauge it. But did not give him anything for it. And this morning, his fever was gone. And he was back to his normal self. All better.