My son is now 6. Around 18 months of age, I began to notice a significant change in behavior and inability to sleep whenever we gave him medicine with dyes. After some research, I learned that some kids cannot handle red dyes (particularly #40) and yellow dyes (particularly #5). These dyes are found in so many foods that don't suspect like pancake mix, oatmeal pies, etc. For occasional treats, I give him organic candy and I make a lot of snacks from scratch. I also buy dye-free meds and vitamins. If you look up the Feingold diet, there are also some tips available. It is a very stringent diet so I don't follow all of it. Basically, you just need to monitor the amount of processed food that they eat and that will take care of most food related issue unless it is a gluten issue, then there are additional steps needed.