Hi. I too have pcos, and was told I would have to go on the pill, which I didn't want to do. Are you seeing a reproductive endocrinologist? I'm asking because I went to gynecologists and family practitioners, and even an endocrinologist, but didn't find the right course of treatment until I went to a reproductive endocrinologist, because they are highly specialized. There are basically two types of pcos (you may already know this). I have the insulin resistant type, so bc pills are the OLD treatment method. Now, doctors use diabetic drugs (metformin being one of them) to treat it, because bc pills are really just a band-aid, and don't fix the underlying problem. Since getting pregnant with my first a few years ago, treatments have changed further (my sister has pcos too, so I know through her). In my experience, doctors who aren't REs are not up to date on pcos and the latest treatments. After being diagnosed, and successfully treated, I still had family doctors (new ones, when I moved across the country) who were skeptical when I told them I had PCOS. "But you don't weigh a lot" they would say. Well, I LOST a lot of weight due to the treatments!
As far as natural remedies, I have heard they're out there, but I haven't tried them. There is apparently a doctor in Houston who uses some cinnamon treatment? I know, sounds weird. If you go to www.soulcysters.net there is a lot of info on pcos, as well as lots of info on natural treatments, what has worked, etc. Some of the treatments were prescribed by doctors, some by nutritionists.
I hope this info was of some help. Good luck. Trust your instincts--when I was told repeatedly to go on the bc pill, I kept looking, and found my current RE, who is so wonderful (which is why I'm a soon to be mommy of 2!)