My son is six and has had lots of rashes and contact dermatitis, (we have changed detergents and fabric softeners and lotions). He also gets spots of exema. I know what you are going through.
Do you have fair skin? We do, and this tends to contribute to our problems. I am alergic to ALOE. Yes, Aloe. Check the products you use and see how many contain aloe. They put it in everything these days. It gives me a rash and it burns. Definitely check soaps, body washes, even lip balm. (I have to check shaving cream and deodorants)My son also gets hives. This is new.
Our Pediatrician is wonderful. He has been able to help us though everything. (you know how we first time parents are) Dr. Ted Wells-Green is in Damascus, near Jimmy-Cone I think. He is so wonderful and explains things without talking down to the parents. I hope I said something helpful.
If your doctor didn'd do anything for the exema, then you should see a dermatologist. We have Dr Thomus Yu- he is great, but cosen because he was on our health care plan. You know hw that is.
Good Luck, I hope SOMETHING I wrote proves useful.