I have not home schooled my children but I have said many times if I had of known then what I know now I would have doneit. While not having a certificatr in teaching the teachers who I did volunteer work with would over see making sure they were not asking too much of me said I am a natural. I should be a teacher. At age 52 I feel I have waited too long. I think part of the issue with your grandma is change.Being older she probably thinks your child should be schooled in the regular or as she sees it normal way. All I would say to that is before we had organized schools and the lowere classes who could not afford nannies or tudors who were the teachers but the mothers. And women were honestly more book learned than men were. Young girls learned to read and write doing samplers. Just be patient she may come around it also sounds like she has a lot on her plate.
I think you are doing the right thing. There is so muc help out there that was not available to me when mine were younger.
Just a little note to add. I went to the state PTA confernece a few years ago and there is a contect called refections and it can be written, musical work, art, and photography. The year I went the young gentleman who won for the state of Ohio wrote an essay about using the jumping off point of what if. It was a story of a young fathers reviewing his own life while watching his son play football. Needless to say if was a very sad story and even the men in the hall were crying like babies. It was basically about his last football game to be state champs and he was injured and chose to finish playing and now was in a wheel chair and it was during his son's game he realized that there wre more important things in life than just a football game. He played in his head what life might have been like if he would have finished the game on the bench and been able to stand tall to cheer his son on. He was home schooled so were the music winners who were from the same family 2 years in a row. Very talented young ladies.