you have two real babies and one fake one.
Had two positive pregnancy test and one negative test what does that mean? Having like nausea cramps, had a normal period on the 19th -22nd .bleed and spotted on the 24th
you have two real babies and one fake one.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what to make of this.
I think maybe seeing your doctor for a blood test might be the best way to find out what's going on.
If you had a normal period why did you test? Did you test before your period? I would just wait and see what happens with my period in Feb, but if you have concerns or feel you really might be pregnant then go to your doctor or local planned parenthood and get a blood test done.
See your doc. Good luck.
Go to a doctor and find out!
Sorry - your period was December or January?
I haven't heard of a negative positive. I've heard of false negatives. That's usually because women test before their hormones are detectable.
normally the motto is there are no false positives when it comes to pregnancy tests. you had a normal period on the 19-22nd of this month? That's awfully quick to be able to tell on a test unless something else is going on. Some girls do have their cycles during pregnancy. If you had 2 positives then I would say you were pregnant.
Okay, if you took the pregnancy tests that read positive first then had the cramping and stuff then had a negative one it sounds like you had a miscarriage. Some women have them and don't even know.
Only a doc will know for sure and if you did you might need to have a DnC to clean your uterus out. It might also be that other things are going on. It's better to go to the doc and see what's going on.
You need a blood test from the doctor.