I was diagnosed with it 3-4 years ago. I always seem to get two spots at the same time about the size of a quarter. I get diprolene (a liquide you put ion the spot) from the dermatologist and use it until it starts to grow back (2-3 months). She checks in 6-8 weeks to make sure it is growing back and says she will do the steriod injections if its not. Thankfully the injections have always worked! I don't think I would take the shots in the scalp. Right now I have two old spots where the hair is about 2 inches and one brand new completely bald spot! My dermatologist also says to use rogaine, but I haven't in a few years.
When you do research on it you can see there is no "cause". I used to believe mine was stress related, but the last few times I wasn't stressed, probably goes back to an autoimmune thing and I will always have it. There are also many small children with it so I doubt they are stressed, until they get this (it is very embarrasing for them). I talked to my hairdresser just yesterday as she has several clients with it and she said it never goes away, sometimes dormant, but you can have for life.
If you have not already, check out www.naaf.org. It is the national alopcia areata foundation.
Thankfully, mine have always been where I can kinda cover up. It is hard when it grows back in as well because you have these little hairs sticking up averywhere that you can do nothing with! I was VERY upset at first and cried and cried. Over the years though I realize it could be worse and just pray it is never right on the top of my head :).
Good luck and if you have any more questions feel free to ask me!