Hand Held Game System for My Almost 3 Yr Old

Updated on August 20, 2012
D.S. asks from Miami, FL
9 answers

I have a 34 month old who constantly wants to play with my 8 yr old’s Nintendo DS to the point where I’m thinking about getting him something because my oldest doesn’t like sharing and the little one cries the whole time wanting me to “make” his brother share.
Anyway, I kept my older son’s Leapster 2 with all the games, but for some reason, it seems like when I insert a game in it doesn’t detect it anymore and I’ve hear that some people have had problems with the Leapster turning on and that’s a shame because I already have like 6 games for the Leapster (and they’re not cheap); so my question is: what would be a good handheld game system for a 3 yr old? I kind of think the DS may be too advanced for him still, but what’s your experience? Can you find little kids games for DS? Is there another similar game system you like for little ones? Are the Leapster 2 cartridges compatible with another game?
Thank you all!

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answers from Albuquerque on

I very seriously dislike the idea of very young kids having things like this. I also don't care for older kids being able to spend a large amount of time on them. Get some books or something, at 2 a child needs to develop an imagination.

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answers from Atlanta on

And if your 8 yr old was playing in garbage your 34 month old would want that too.

Let him be a baby - Please

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answers from Detroit on

I would go with an iPod Touch. You can get tons of age-appropriate games from the app store for free or 99¢. Such a nice thing -- you can load it up for a fraction of the cost of a Leapster game, and you can gradually get more advanced games as your child ages.

My son is 3 and he has been using my iPhone for games since he was 2. He plays Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, and uses lots of free book apps and alphabet apps -- amazing.

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answers from Phoenix on

IMO, those game systems are a huge waste of money, especially for a 3 year old. The only reason he wants it is because he sees someone else with it. I bet if you bought one, it would done with or broken after about a week. These games don't teach your kid anything that they can't learn the old school way.

Did someone really recommend an Ipod Touch for a 3 year old? Seriously, what is this world coming to? Don't be surprised when your kids forget how to use their imaginations, how to interact with other people & become obsessed with electronics.

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answers from Milwaukee on

All Leapster games work w/ all Leapster systems. My kiddo had one at that age but she didn't really play with it. She played with her DS more. I did get games for her that were age appropriate but they were mostly raising different kinds of animals.

Having had both those systems, and my ipod touch, I really do think the touch is a much better use of your money. You can always sell your leapster games on craigslist. :)

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answers from Cincinnati on

I am sorry to see some of the judgmental responses you are receiving. It always makes me sad to see that on here when moms tear each other down.

Our son got a Leapster 2 @ 4 1/2. He is now 7 & still uses it. We have a number of educational games for it that we like. We have had some issues w/it turning off for no reason. He also gets to play on my old iPod Touch. Our 3 1/2 y.o. daughter wants to use both but we won't let her use either yet. Every family is different so you do what you feel is best.

You can sell the Leapster games on eBay. Not all Leapsters have compatible cartridges anymore. If you are looking for a different or new Leapster try eBay or Amazon as well.

We make DD play with her preschool electronics like kid laptops and other Leap or VTech toys. DS has wanted a DS for a couple yrs but we don't think he is old enough based on how tough he is on his other stuff. Good luck!

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answers from Fort Wayne on

Too bad you weren't asking for peoples opinions on how they feel about toddlers having hand held game systems. Considering those are the responses you've recieved. Ridiculous!!!!!

Anyway...Vtech Mobigo!!!! I got one for my son when he turned two because he always wanted his sisters DS. At two he was too young to understand the games, but he liked pushing the buttons and playing with it anyway. Now at 2 1/2 he's starting to understand what he's supposed to do and loves it even more! So it would be perfect for your 3 year old! For all the naysayers...the games are educational!!!

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answers from St. Louis on

I'm not a fan of electronics & preschoolers! With 9 years between my sons, I too had issues with the younger child wanting what my older son had/was doing. It was a perfect time to teach differentials in life. :)

Since I am sooo opinionated on this subject, I am looking forward to reading the other responses. I am also curious as to what is popular today. Quite a few children in our circle have Leap Pad2s & Innotabs....& the parents like both products. Hope this helps.

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answers from Albuquerque on

I had a good argument for an iPod touch in response to this post:
It may not be *for* the 3y/o, but a family gift that everyone can share!

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