Yes - my son was born Thanksgiving two years ago. I had the amnio done as I am over 40 and all came back perfect. At one time I was told he was breech, then he was not. Then I was told he had only 1 artery in the umbilical cord but not to worry as all the other tests came back negative.
Well, he was born with VATER Syndrome (vacteral, anal, trachea, esophageal fistula, radial) each letter is an element. What it is - he has 13 ribs one side, 11 on the other, some babies are born without a butthole, thankfully he had his, his trachea was connected to his stomach rather than the esophagus and that was the major problem, and radial issues some babies are born with thumbs and feet in club form. He had a small amount of difficulty with his thumbs but that is better now. VATER effects 1 in 4000 babies so it could have been a fluke but along with this, he has GERD (reflux) and that is common in babies with one artery. There is not a lot to do if the doctors feel everything else is good - hope for the best and stay on top of the visits. Any feeling she has that doesn't feel right - get to the doctor right away and don't let them just come in for a 3 minute consult. Get them to check thoroughly her feelings. Mom's gut instincts are usually correct.
Good luck - stay in touch if you need.