Depends on your version of "worth it".
I fought 3 tickets when I was younger. Two were reduced, and one was not "thrown out" but changed to a non-moving violation (I floored it to get around a semi that blowing into "my" lane in the wind and there were only 2 lanes). I had thought the judges had seen that I was at least possibly "right" in my view of what had happened vs the officer.
Nowadays I know a couple of Judges socially, and here is what I've been told:
They reduce nearly everyone who bothers to take the time to come in (and is RESPECTFUL of both them and the officer who pulled them over). The reason? Bothering to take the time to come in shows (in their mind) that the person has a higher regard for the law, and of their own legal standing as a citizen, than most people...and is therefor more likely to adhere to the law. That coming in shows a respect of the legal system of which they are a part... and that that should be rewarded...to promote further civic duty. (Great, they think we're kids ;) They DO sometimes throw cases out, but only when honest to god evidence is placed in front of them (like the person requesting a Radar Expert to examine the gun, and either the examiner shows the gun was malfunctioning, or is unable to appear in court.
Huh. Well...I'll take what I can get, I suppose.