Has Anyone Had Experience with a Bacterial Infection in the Diaper Area?

Updated on June 18, 2007
S.P. asks from Grand Rapids, MI
4 answers

I have a two week old baby boy who developed diaper rash. After several days, it started to look much worse with pimple-type blisters so I took him to the doctor, who told me it is probably a staph infection, which is a bacterial infection. He prescribed an oral antibiotic. It just makes me nervous and I wondered if anyone else's baby had this and how things turned out. Thank you so much for any input!


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answers from Chicago on

S. ~

Staph infections are not uncommon. Please use a warm washcloth to clean your baby gently. Also, go to the store and get AVEENO bath. It works great for bad infections like staph... get it in the box with , i think, 4 packets in it. Only use a little bit in your babies bath every day until it is better. You should see instant results. Aveeno is used for chicken pox to help dry them up. It has no side effects.... good luck.




answers from Chicago on

My daughter occasionally gets pretty bad diaper rashes too. My doctor has told me they are probably a bacterial type rash and has told me to 1) Stop using wipes and use only soap and water. 2) Make sure area is dry after changing 3) Use Lotrimin (its a foot fungus cream you can buy in the foot dept) The last rash she had the cream wasn't working as well and he told me to move to Lamisil... which is a different foot cream... but again, it works. 4) Diaper

Usually in a few days I see a dramatic change.

I hope this helps. And don't freak out and the sound of foot cream.... It really works. :)

Good luck!!




answers from Chicago on


Another thing you can put on your baby is Calendula - it is antifungal and anti bacterial.

Pres. Lactation Support Group, Inc



answers from Chicago on

S. P
May poor babies had terrible diaper rash if they were in disposable diapers. I did not use them because the rashes were so fast and bad. I used cloth diapers. I had seven dozen. People get grossed out by cloth diapers. They stop the rashes. They are not that hard to clean either.

Also you can use extra virgin olive oil on the rash. I was told to try olive oil. I used it one night on my son and by morning the very large rash was gone.

Food allergies can cause diaper rash. Good luck.

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