So you went on birth control pills for 2 months, then stopped? You had heavier periods on the pill, which is unusual but possible. Did you discuss this with your doctor, or did you just go off the pill and decide to try to get pregnant beginning in January? I would think it would take a while for your body to regulate itself after being on the pill.
There are plenty of other reasons why a period can be late and spotting can be present. Implantation bleeding is one, early chemical pregnancy is another. But those aren't the only 2.
By "AF" do you mean that old term, "Aunt Flow"? You can just say "period" so everyone knows what you mean. We're open to the real terms here on Mamapedia. (If that's not what AF means, you can explain by adding to your question by using the "edit" option.)
I think it's very unwise to stress out over pregnancy by saying "this will be our month" and so on. That puts enormous pressure on you, and on your marriage. So can taking a whole bunch of early pregnancy tests - it's hard to know if you are late, or if you are taking the test too early for there to be enough hormones created to register on the test. I know you are anxious to find out, but you may just be spending a lot of money on tests. Remember how women in the decades before you just waiting a little bit to find out.
I'd keep some notes on the timing here, if you can do that without freaking out too much. Then you'll have something to discuss by phone with your doctor. I'd also be sure to let them know that you went on the pill and off almost immediately due to unpleasant side effects. But if you are really super worried, then call your doctor's office and ask to speak to a nurse or else have the doctor call you back after hours or whenever he/she does patient callbacks.