Hi J., I can see you have had several thoughts shared with you. Rabites is very serious and give yourself a break on feeling bad .. you have done what your doctors advised.
However, I would recommend a few additional preventions for overall health in handling vaccines. One of the issues with vaccines is the preservatives they use.
I am a Nutritional Wellness Consultant and my work is to support others is creating a healthy foundation in the body, i.e. the immune system functions.
Keeping the immune system functioning at peak performance is the best prevention for all health challenges. I
I would encourage you to watch www.sharethecause.com/live..This is a 9 minute documentary on what is happening with our bodies/ environment and what we can do about it.
There are some specific steps you can take to support the body during the vaccination process that are all natural/ whole food options.. even for the young.
If you would like more assistance.. feel free to fill out the comment section.