I sold ALL of DD's baby stuff on CL. I had reasonable expectations. I would usually start with a price of 1/2 of retail and then would go down if I needed to. It worked for me. I took best offers and any reasonable offers. It's always good to be flexible, but I did hate when cheapskates would try to majorly lowball me.
As far as high selling prices - the items never get sold for that amount. You will probably see those same ads over & over again, a week later, a month later, because they refuse to be flexible. Or, you will see them finally lower the prices down the line. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to pay practically "new" prices for something that is not new and I wouldn't expect someone else to.
I'd also recommend just doing a "package" of all the big items, so a new parent can one stop shop and get everything at once. I did that with several of DD's things and loved unloading it all at once.