Having Horrible PMS symptoms...don't Want to Go on the Pill.

Updated on May 30, 2007
L.A. asks from Lake Villa, IL
20 answers

I have had 2 children, my daughter is 14 months now and my son is 3 1/2. We are DONE having children, my husband had a vasectomy last June. I have always suffered from horrible pms, possibly PMDD. I get night sweats, migraine with aura, depression/anxiety, and anger. In general I just feel like a completely different person when I have this. I'm taking zoloft now a low dose during the month and go up on the dose when I feel it coming on. That helped for a few years now it doesn't really help anymore and I'm sick of being on it. Then when it does come my periods are so heavy. It's gross, and I can't even wear tampons until about the 4th day because of the heavy flow.

I am taking Chaste tree berry to help with migraines along with feverfew. I also am taking 1200 mg of calcium which is supposed to help. I do not want to go on the pill because I've had problems with them in the past...weight gain, depression, breakthrough bleeding but I'm so miserable I am thinking of trying that again!

First I wanted to ask if anyone else has any suggestions of things that worked for them? Or maybe a pill that is better than another with no side effects of weight gain especially. I do not need birth control per se since my husband had the vasectomy, just looking for relief. I have an appointment March 12th to speak with my dr. again but wanted to get other input before I went in.

Thank you so much!!


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So What Happened?

Thank you all so much for your help! I still have my ob/gyn appt set for March 12, but I have decided to try some of your suggestions first. First, I've started evening primrose oil and fish oil, and I already see an improvement in my water retention! Second, I decided to switch from Zoloft to another similiar medication. It seems to be doing more harm than good. Finally, I contacted my pharmacy where I get my progesterone cream from. They suggested I get a blood test from my ob/gyn to see which hormones are out of range. Then they can customize a cream based on my results. I stopped the progesterone cream until then...it actually seemed to make my symptoms worse. I think I may need some estrogen mixed in with it.

Anyway thank you all so much!


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answers from Chicago on


Flax oil or powder is good. Also, see if Relacore will help with the stress. Good luck to you.



answers from Chicago on

One thing to try is to take 2,000 mg of calcium each day. However, you need to take it in 500 mg doses (or less).

Another thing that has helped me tremendously is Bikram Yoga (hot yoga), exercise in general, and meditation.

I don't have severe PMS like you, but now I rarely have any PMS symptoms.

Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

You don't say how old you are, but it is not too early to be thinking about pre-menopause if you are close to 30. Look into the book, "What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Premenopause: Balancing your hormones between 30 and 50" by Dr. John Lee. I went on progesterone cream and it helped. Best wishes with getting this under control...I feel for you.

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answers from Chicago on

L., this is my first time leaving any feedback... I've never had children, but have a lot of similar symptoms to your depression/anxiety (I'm manic/depressive) and migraines and had a few thoughts.

They are birth-control related, mind you, but I just wanted you to be aware of options. My GYN started me on Yaz (I had been on Ortho-Tricyclin for years), which has some really amazing benefits. 1) 24 days on, 4 days off = 4 day period. 2) the hormone doses are steady -- i.e. the pill doses don't progress from week to week like they do with most other birth controls. You take the same dose for 24 days.

The result? Think about it. For those of us who suffer from mood swings, depression and other things that are hormone-related, what could possibly be worse than spending a week adjusting to one level of hormones -- only to spend the next readjusting to another? Yaz' steadiness has kept me more rational, which is why my GYN recommended it.

Another friend of mine began it, too, but she has much heavier periods than I do. Our GYN recommended she switch to Yasmin, which provides more control for heavier periods. It's coming out in a generic soon, too, which means it should be cheaper.

I know you don't want to go on the pill, but wanted to offer these suggestions. It's probably worth talking to your DR about it! It took my friend and I a few months to adjust to the new pill, but it's been lovely. Best of luck.

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answers from Chicago on

In the past, I have had similar problems. One thing I found, was that if I watch what I eat it makes a difference. For example, try avoiding all sugar and eat as natural as you can. A lot of the meats you buy in the grocery stores have hormones in them which can be affecting you as well. Drink lots of water (no diet pop) and pay attention to how you feel after you eat a meal - maybe something you are eating is affecting the way you feel. I hope you are able to get relief - PMS sucks!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi there L.,
My name is T. and I had much the same symptoms about two years ago. It was so bad that my husband and I were at each other all the time. My doctor put me on Sarafem I could not believe how much it help. It may help and your doctor should be able to tell you more about it. Hopefully you'll find something soon. Best wishes.


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answers from Chicago on

Hi L. and everyone who has been scared by hormones--- (like me)

I have had all of the problems you have mentioned. I have my bachelors in psych but have done alot of research on the subject of menstrual problems and perimenopause. I would suggest that you get a thorough check up first, but I would urge you to read the book my Suzanne Somers called 'ageless.' You do not have to be old to read it. I have done enough research to tell you that I believe your hormones are seriously out of balance. I take bio-identical hormones which are sold at compounding pharmacies. I would suggest that you also read 'It's Your Hormones' by Geoffrey Redmond, MD. I would actually say that you might be better informed if you read Dr. Redmond's book first, then Suzanne's. I too went on zoloft and it stopped doing any good. I would get these black periods where I was so depressed before my period. It was hell. I am now on the bioidentical hormones. They are not the same as the synthetic hormones. We need balanced hormones or our bodies are subject to disease and we are living miserable lives. Mark Drugs on Roselle Rd in Schaumburg is very knowledgeable also. Dr. Johnson's (brothers) gyncecologists in Hoffman Estates can write a prescription. Please read the book about hormones. I am telling you it changed my life. The way people get cancer from hormones is by taking estrogen alone- and it is mostly from the synthetic hormones which are not bio-identical. If you do not balance your hormones you are subject to cancer and disease just like if you were taking estrogen only. For real. Also, weight gain can come from imbalanced hormones. Most people are going to need a little bit of estrogen with the progesterone. It is made from plants. It is what your body is craving. It is not horse urine like the premarin. For real - it is safe and it works. Let me know if you have any questions. I sympathize with you. Will pray for you also.

Take care.

L. K.

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answers from Chicago on

I too have always had horrible pms!! I was on the pill and that never helped. I have had the problem since I was 15!!! Severe pain!! About 6 months ago I started drinking a juice called Xango which was recommended to me by a dr. I feel AWESOME!!! I highly recommend it! It is pricey so I became a "distributor" so I can buy it wholesale. You can do this as well so you can get the discounted price. If you want to know more about it email me at ____@____.com

Check out the website
that gives alot of information. Since I started I put my mom on it and she no longer has her hot flashes or needs her BP medicine!! It truly is uneblievable.

Good Luck!

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answers from Chicago on


There is hope!!! I suffered with horrible PMS for most of my 20s. I had no luck with oral contraceptives. Some would work for a few months and then the symptoms would return, often worse. As such, I totally understand your reluctance to introduce any synthetic hormones into the current hormonal fray.

I noticed that one of the responses mentioned flax seed oil. I have had a great deal of luck with this and other Omega 3 fatty acid sources. The first time I tried it, my symptoms were gone within 2 months. Over time, I've had even better results with fish oil capsules. Do take care to buy a brand that is certified to be Mercury, PCB and Lead free. I like Spectrum.

You may also want to try acupuncture. I've had great success with it in terms of all things hormonal. Best of luck to you.

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answers from Raleigh on

Hi L.,
I thought I'd chime in with my two cents since I've had similar experiences as you, and have some ideas that haven't been shared by other moms yet.

The heavy bleeding is something you should be a bit concerned about - not only could it cause Anemia (iron-deficient), but could also be a sign of Uterine Polyps or Fibroids. Another thing - heavy bleeding - especially with painful or severe cramping, can be a sign of Endometriosis, which is fairly serious. All three run in my family so I've done some research on them. (More info on Uterine Polyps, Endometriosis, and Fibroids, visit this WebMd link: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/12/1689_50063.htm) Sometimes for Endometriosis, the doctor will prescribe the shot to relieve the symptoms. I was on the shot for a year and bled non-stop - spotting between periods, but my periods were somewhat lighter. (I haven't been diagnosed with Endometriosis, I just wanted to try the shot). I gained 10 pounds during the year I was on the shot, but again, that could be attributed to other factors (like my metabolism slowing down). You may simply just have Menorrhagia, which is when you have extremely heavy, prolonged periods. Menorrhagia is more than just 1 or 2 days of a heavier-than-average flow. Girls/Women who have menorrhagia soak through at least a pad an hour for several hours in a row or have periods that are more than 7 days long. The most frequent cause of menorrhagia is an imbalance between the amounts of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Because of this imbalance, the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) keeps building up. Then when the body gets rid of the endometrium during a period, the bleeding is very heavy. This is usually more normal in teens though, as their bodies go through puberty - but adult women can have it also. Very painful cramping is called dysmenorrhea, and your doctor might prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug to relieve the cramping. The culprit in primary dysmenorrhea is prostaglandin, the same naturally occurring chemical that causes cramps. In large amounts, prostaglandin can cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, backaches, diarrhea, and severe cramps when you have your period.

You mentioned maybe considering birth control to relieve the symptoms - which might help. I tried Ortho-Tricyclen Lo, which is a lower dose birth control pill - and it was like going through menopause - and I was only 22! For me, it wasn't quite strong enough, and caused even heavier sweating, worsened headaches/migraines, and around-the-clock nausea. My doctor then put me on Ortho Tricyclen (regular dose) and most of my symptoms disappeared - and the severe acne I was getting right before my period cleared up, too. I did gain a few pounds (less than 5) but that also could have been attributed to the nausea going away (and my appetite coming back!). I used to be on Zoloft for the mood swings (low dose all month, more the week before my period), and when it quit working, my psychiatrist put me on Prozac instead. Some people swear by either or both drugs - Prozac made me zombie-like (I just didn't care about ANYTHING), but that could have been more of a dosing issue.

Other ways to help with PMS/PMDD would be to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eat as few as possible processed foods - and avoid salt!! I also found it helped to take a B-complex vitamin everyday because the B vitamins help even out moods. Also be sure to exercise at least a couple of times a week, and even though you are probably more tired right before your period, excercise as often as you can as it will help with the cramping and with your moods.

Depending on your age, you might be experiencing pre-menopause. One herb found useful for menopausal symptoms is Black Cohosh, but consult your doctor (or at least a pharmacist, herbologist, or holstic healthcare provider) before taking ANY herb, especially if you are taking any prescription medication.

Good luck... I hope you find some relief. It took trial and error for me, a mix of different therapies to find what worked for me.

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answers from Chicago on

Hi L.,
I just sent a response to you regarding Natural Progesterone cream. I know also that Flaxseed oil is great for many things. I can also get info to you about our Omega Fatty acid supplements.



answers from Chicago on

Yes! There are nutritional things that you can do to keep your PMS symptoms at bay!!
I'd love to talk more about what I have done. If you are interested, please let me know!



answers from Chicago on

Hi L.,

Boy can I relate. I have similiar symptoms and it is pretty miserable to say the least. I did end up going back on the pill. I used to take the shot so that I didn't get my period so that I didn't have to deal with it. Now I am on the ring, I don't have to remember to take the pill every day, and most of my symptoms are gone. My periods only last a couple days, and all in all, life is good. I haven't had a migrane since I went on it. Which is AMAZING!

For a while I was on a low dose pill too, but I am bad about remembering to take them every day. The patch they have decided is too dangerous. So I wasn't left with many options. I am not sure when the last time you were on the pill was, but they have made great strides with this in the last 3-4 years. Talk to your doctor about what your options are. It is way worth it.

Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

Hi L.,

Contact the doctors at Homefirst (www.homefirst.com) They have a few offices in the Chicagoland area.

They will most likely suggest natural Progesterone Cream. It works wonders!! Check it out on their website for more info. It is the only thing that has ever helped my symptoms...and it is all natural.

The pill can cause horrible problems for you down the road...

Good luck!




answers from Rockford on

I couldn't do the pill, it had all sorts of effects on me but I was just like you. I went natural I take evening primrose oil 1000mg at night to sleep it is wonderful within 20 minutes I am ready to dose off and sleep through the night. I take Estroven extra strength once a day for the cramps,night sweats,migraines have cut way back,bloating cut in half if at all,all around feel better,It is all natural and has all the vitamins and extra stuff to fight all your problems.
Then I added Relacore not for the weight issue but that did help but for the mood swings (my husband suggested it) and depression I get them all at Sams and it is affordable and any amount of money spent to make me happy and function better is worth it. I have had huge results. everything you mentioned I had and is now gone. once in awhile I am moody but nothing like before. One last thing I did have a d&c by the suggestion of the gyne. that got rid of the heavy periods that I would have every other month I had build up. That sucked having that done and was uncomfortable but it helped. It just helped with the heavy period not all the other issues. If I didn't know better that could have been me a year ago writing your question I am way better now I like myself and my husband and children like the nice wife & mommy. They are glad the freak lady has left the house.



answers from Chicago on

I know you don't want to go back on the pill, and I am the same way. However, I have found the Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo is VERY GREAT. I had pretty much what you did, and now it's practically NOTHING compared to it. It doesn't make you gain weight, the cramps are barely there and my bleeding is minimal. It's the greatest pill ever. It's not for everyone as most pills are, and I'm starting to get high blood pressure from it, but maybe ask your doctor and see what he/she thinks. It's one pill a day very tiny, and I haven't had any problems other than the high blood pressure, but since that runs high in my family he thinks that it's just reflecting upon that and making come out if you will. Or another suggestion could be from GNC my mom used to take 2 different pills from there that have nothing to do with weight gain. She took some kinda PMS pill that help with moodiness and it worked pretty well. The other was some kind of Women's vitamin....If you like i can ask her for you...let me know how things go. Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

I'm one of those dummies who hates to take the same pill day in and day out, but I've had a lot of your same problems and still have some of them. For the pill issue, The Depo-Provera Shot is a no-brainer. Go for it once every three months with very few side affects, and it will greatly reduce the flow and symptoms. I took primrose oil for a while and found it very soothing. If you can tolerate soy, add soy to your diet for the hormone/calcium-boneloss benefits. Regular gentle exercise and Vitamins C and Bs will help alot. Too much is as bad as not enough, but when you hit your groove you will know it. All antidepressants can cause new issues, but I take Paxil, it's working better than zoloft, aderol, or prozac. Olive oil is a much unsaluted wonder! Take a Tablespoon a day and you will be impressed with the results in a month's time.Buy fresh herbs in the produce aisle with the roots and grow them indoors for instant fresh herbal therapy.Thank God for Spring!! :o)L.



answers from Chicago on

I think it is best to speak with your doctor, you have have something else. I am only 23, but siffer from may of the same symptoms you do every month as well - after a few tests, it has been determined that I have the beginning of endometriosis. It's better to speak to your doctor about anything like that - especially the heavy bleeding - because it could be something more serious than you think.


answers from Chicago on


I've not had what you have but just read an article in the Northwestern Memorial Hospital newsletter about a woman with a different gynecological symptoms who got lots of relief with lifestyle changes through Dr. Theri Raby at the Center for Integrative Health.

Dr. Raby is my doctor and I know is very interested and knowledgable about diet and other lifestyle changes. Personally, I haven't utilitized the other services in her office (herbal meds, acupunture etc) but they are there.

Her number is ###-###-####. If you go, I'd be interested to hear how it works for you.

Good luck



answers from Chicago on

I have similar symptoms and my doctor had suggested a new tx that is like having a d&c. It's a bit invasive, but if you are dead set against the pill, it'd be worth a try. They now have so many pills on the market now, maybe it'd be worth another go. Good luck to you. P.S. I use the tampax super plus and a pad and then put my feet up for a while. Other than a wing and a prayer, that's all I have right now. R.

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