I don't have an HE washer but do have very sensitive skin as does my youngest (to the point that we cloth diaper because of it). I use MelaPower by Melaleuca for most of my laundry. It does come in an HE variety. For my diapers I use 7th generation or did till they quite carrying the citrus scent I like in my stores-and they do have an he version as well in both powder and liquid. I really like Soap Nuts-they are so low suddsing that you have to squeeze the bag to get any suds at all plus it can be used for wool or silk. I get the 7th generation and the Soap Nuts at a local health food store but I know you can order the soap nuts online as well.
I think I have seen that All does make an HE version most major brands are starting to in order to keep their customers-if not save it for when you need to take the load of sleeping bags to the triple washers at the laundry mat or for doing your hand laundry.
edited to add I found this great link that is actually for cloth diaper detergent but it has which ones have Enzymes Enzymes: Enzymes attack organic matter and help dissolve stains when activated with water or moisture. Sweat, urine, and feces are all organic matter so there is a risk that these substances that are lingering on baby's skin will be a target for these enzymes. In particularly sensitive children, these enzymes can cause blistering, bleeding, sores and rashes. Fragrances and Dyes: These are harsh and unnecessary chemicals for a baby's laundry. It is best to avoid them. Artificial fragrances are often made from petroleum. Many do not degrade in the environment, and may have toxic effects on both fish and mammals. Additionally, they often can cause allergies and skin or eye irritation. Optical Brighteners: These are actually tiny particles that stick to the surface of your clothes after washing. These particles make colors appear to be brighter by absorbing invisible ultraviolet light and re-emitting it as blue light. If you want to see if your detergent has these brighteners, simply look at the detergent under a black light. Although these optical brighteners may make your clothes appear brighter, they are chemical residues that are intentionally left behind on your clothes and may cause skin irritation or other allergic reactions.
taken from http://www.diaperjungle.com/detergent-chart.html