I have to advise people on our plans. Pretty much they cover the same it is cost that is different. Ours are easy, we have three plans, a high deductible plan, a modified that has a higher deductible for hospitals but other procedures have copays and it has a prescription copay plan, and the third is a copay type HMO.
My employer also funds half the deductible via an HSA for the high deductible plan. What I tell the employees is add up the max you would have to pay for the high deductible plan divide that out by your pay periods so you can compare it to the rest. Even with fully funding the deductible every year, which you never have to do, it is 60 dollars a period less than either of the other two plans.
So just pulling numbers, HSA plan is 250 a pay period for a family, modified is 310 and you still have to fund deductibles and copays, the HMO is 400 a pay period and you still have all the copays. So it becomes a big duh, take the high deductible.
So look at the differences in costs, add in normal costs like copays and prescriptions, then pick the cheapest one since the cover the same thing.
Not sure if that makes sense, it would be easier if I knew the particulars of your plans.