Help, 3 Months, Teething and Just Wants to Be Held

Updated on September 15, 2008
J.L. asks from Lakewood, CA
31 answers

Hi I need some suggestions/HELP! I have a 3 month little boy that is teething. Drooling enough to soak both of our shirts. Biting his hands, runny poop, restless, lower gums are swollen and cries all day and night now for 4 days. We tried the Humphreys teething drops, tylenol, cool teething rings. and still he just cries or only seems to be soothed by me holding him upright (over my sholder, as I was gonna burp him?) eats pretty good still. He sleeps for about 30-45 minutes at at time, thats it. I just wonder if there are any suggestions for us. Help

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So What Happened?

First of all let me thank all the mommies for the great suggestions! I was so lost at the time I wrote for help I was not thinking clearly. Well, it's been over a week and they still haven't cut through. He has had a few good hours here and there. Still today he was crying and screaming, in pain even pulling on my shirt and hair. So, to bring you up to date....still no teeth, but it looks like its the bottom TWO, no ear infections, no gas-- he farts so much we call him the pop corn popper! I hold him if he wants to be held, thanks to the moms that suggested the moby wrap, I have one and did not even think to use it, again not thinking clearly. We go in stages, fussy= hylands tabs, then 2 paci's kept in ice water and cycle them through as they warm up (thanks for that suggestion), then if it gets to screaming and crying we either rub a tiny bit of rum and let him bite on our fingers (which he seems to like) or tylenol. Only used tylenol and rum twice each. try to not over do it. So still waiting....I did have a dream last night that he woke up with 4 teeth! To the mommy (sorry I did not take down all the names) that said "don't worry about dishes, laundry etc, hold your baby!" Thanks for putting things in perspective, this is such a short time in his life, but its a time he needs and wants his mama, those dishes aren't going anywhere! Still holding and waiting, -J

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hold them!! Kids know what they need. Rescue Remedy for you and for he baby: Homeopathic Chamomilla 6x. Just follow directions on the tube.
No eating or drinking anything for 15 minutes before or after. Get the soft tablets that will dissolve in their mouths. (The round hard tablets you should dissolve so they won't inhale it by accident.)
Signs will also be irritation and not knowing if they want to be held, get down, play or whatever...they are just frustrated in general.

This too shall pass. Thanks for being a good mommy.

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answers from San Diego on

Chamomila in 30c or 200c by Boiron. You can get typically get those potencies at healthfood stores. Works wonders for teething issues and I've even used them on my children when they got their 6 year and 12 year molars.

Best regards,

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answers from Los Angeles on

My 2nd child wanted to be held a lot. If it wasn't being gassy, then it was teething. Have you tried other distractions like taking him for a stroll? putting him in a baby swing? Movement seems to be a good distraction. Hyland's teething tablets seemed to work for us. If Tylenol doesn't work, try Motrin. You also may want to try baby orajel- that worked well for us. A few more tricks that worked for me were raw, cold carrots from the refrigerator (NO BABY CARROTS- they have to be long enough to put in his mouth so he can feel the coolness of the carrot- to soothe the little owwwie). My youngest one (about 20 months old) still finds comfort in a soft bristled toothbrush - it really hits the spot thats bothering him.
Like one of the moms said, the best medicine he has is YOU. Cherish these little moments- think of it as 'hands on mommy training.'

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answers from Honolulu on

Wow, this sounds hard. Well, know it will pass. I'm a mother of 2 and it's amazing how with the first you think things will last forever but then it zooms by and with the 2nd you know how it will be over in a blink (not to say the hard moments don't feeel like they're lasting a lifetime!). Have you tried Hylands homeopathic tablets? They have teething tablets and the plain chamomilla are helpful too but the teething tabs will assist longer rest. You can give them every 15 min when it's bad...they're very safe. Also, do you have a swing that he can sleep in sometimes? It really helped my kids stay asleep when the movement is what they craved. Another thing is a baby carrier, a sling, the moby wrap or the Ergo (with his legs in frog position)? This will soothe him a lot and may satisfy "needing to be held a lot". If you drink chamomile tea, it will have a calming affect for both of you (I assume you're nursing?). You can also dip a washcloth in it and freeze it then let him have it to suck on. good luck and hang in there!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I would be real leary of meds, research that, alot of scary info out there. You don't want to over medicate... for many reasons.
Try cool cucumbers they can gum them easier than teething rings, frozen banannas, cool or frozen wash cloth. Nurse extra, those immunities are made for them and change when they're not feeling well.

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answers from Reno on

Try Hyland's teething pills. They are all natural and work wonders. They are even good for adults with teeth pain. You can find them in the baby food isle. Give it a try. You will find that the pain and drooling will slow down considerably.


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answers from Los Angeles on


Teeting is rough! However, he may have an ear infection, the symptoms sound very similar to what we have gone through with our son - he has had about 7 ear infections in 2 1/2 years - usually brought on by extra fluid from teething or a cold. The main sign is he cabn't sleep lying down, the pain is worse. Take him to the doctor and good luck! :)



answers from Los Angeles on

Humphreys didn't work for us, but the Hyland's brand did. Buy them at Lassen's, Vitamin World & some supermarkets (Vons) or online at



answers from Los Angeles on

Teething is so hard! They say it is worse than labor pains for our little ones. Before you know it, it will be over, but I understand how hard it is for the whole family, especially your little one! I used Hylands teething tablets and later my girlfriend turned me on to Boirons liquid drops that you can get at Mothers Market. They are both homeopathic and I loved the Boirons. I sell Colic Calm at my store, Belly Sprout, which is also homeopathic and parents of colicy babies SWEAR it is the only thing that works. It can also be used for teething and is safe and natural.

I hope this helps. Just hold your baby a ton...DO you have a Moby Wrap? That helps to keep baby close to you and leaves you hands free! We all LOVE it!

C. Funk



answers from San Diego on

Two of my four were early teethers, one starting at two months and the other at three. I had so many mothers tell me it couldn't be teething, it was too early. Baloney. It was teething all right. And the pediatrician confirmed it. We used Hyland's teething tablets, and a lot of holding. Welcome to motherhood! :0) It isn't all cuteness and smiles, is it? It is soooo much more difficult with baby #1, because it is all new! And you haven't really adjusted to it yet. I remember with my first, I was always trying to put him down, get chores done, etc... By the time #4 came along I realized that nothing was more important than giving my baby what he needed most - me! Try the Hylands, HOLD him, let the chores go, and know that although it doesn't seem like it right now, it won't last long. The first teeth are the worst and the longest to come in. Hang in there!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J L :)

It is frustrating as a mom to have a child in pain when we want to take it all away and make them better. Your Little One sounds very uncomfortable; he also sounds like he LOVES hugs :D!!!!! My advice is to be in your moment with him because the time of his infancy is just about up! The first year is magical and goes WAY too quickly. I look back at pictures of my two children and it seems like they were never babies.

You also have to remember, TEETHING HURTS!!! Our pediatrician said it hurts more than the worst toothache you've ever experienced. It's extremely uncomfortable. My two had a horrible teething and drooling time; my son started at 3 months like yours has. So, if your little guy is finding comfort in your arms, be thankful! :) You, Mommy, are a very healing source for him! You are his comfort and his peace. Try not to get too rattled yourself by all of this as well as by his various moods. He is new here in this life... he is learning and doing the best his little spirit knows how to get through this painful teething experience. If he is crying and fussy, take him outside for a walk so to try to distract him; get him out of that energy where he doesn't feel good. Babies are VERY energy sensitive in every way! And, if he cries a lot... DON'T ever think for a minute that he is trying to control you or manipulate you like I've heard some parents say. Babies don't know any of that behavior. They cry as a form of communication only. Also remember that children are very limited in their vocabularies and the abilities to express their emotions. The way I see it, many of the tantrums and things are emotions that they don't yet know how to deal with; it's all too big. A 3 month old baby needs as many hugs, smiles and love as you can give him- and then some!!! You can never spoil a child- or an adult for that matter- with too much affection and love! You are reassuring a safe world for your son as well as a nice solid foundation. Teach patience and continue to give the beautiful nurturing you have from within. That's what's making him feel better now :). You are now riding the waves of his childhood, so just go with the flow- the ups and downs! :)

Also, if you haven't tried Hyland's Teething Tablets, do so. Health food stores have them. They're homeopathic and they worked wonders for my kids. The worst a child could experience from eating too many would be a tummy ache as per the Poison Control Ctr. My daughter somehow got a hold of ones I was using for her so I called them.

Anyway, just be patient and in the most unpleasant times for you, just tell yourself, "this too, shall pass." Get as much as you can from each and every minute. You are holding a precious little heart in your arms... just love and hug more... and wear him in a sling around the house. :)

In Light,



answers from San Diego on

Try this book: Gina Ford, "The New Contented Baby Book.' I is written by a British nanny who provides schedules designed to helping a baby sleep contentedly.



answers from Los Angeles on

I'm not quite there yet with my 3 month old baby, but she is showing early signs, so I've done some research: 1) Hylands gel and tablets which you can get at Target and apparently for less at and 2) Camila, which is available at Whole Foods.

Also, just a word of caution: clove oil is extremely potent, maybe too potent for a baby that young, although used in limited amounts might be useful.

Last, clean washcloths in the freezer are sometimes good if your baby finds cold sensations pleasant.

Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Sounds like you are doing all of the right things. Im a mom of 6 children been around that block plenty of times, Also it sounds like he maybe a little gassy,they find relief when in an up right position over the shoulder. You can try Mylican for the gas. Good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi there! You have some good suggestions so far. My little one started having all the symptoms you have listed and did not get her first tooth until she was 6 months. Eventually the extremely tough days past, so it's not like I had 3 straight months of that. I have used Hylands teething tablets and sometimes they seemed to work. I also would recommend the Baby Orajel cotton swabs. You break off one end of the swab and slowly out the other end comes the medicine. This is good because they are less apt to choke like they can and often do on the gel.

Another good tip that our doctor told us for the very rough days or nights is that you can give a does of Tylenol & then 3 hours later give a dose of Motrin and continue until needed. The medicines are processed differently- one through the liver and one through the kidneys- just don't remember which is which? Ask your pediatrician if they okay this, because you need to be comfortable with this. However, I can tell you as a mom who was completely hesitant to give tylenol or motrin the few times we did this it helped my little gal manage he pain & helped mom and dad be well rested so that we could comfort her as much as possible.

Lastly, we bought a sling early on and I used it around the house and at the mall. It was fabulous & an easy way to hold your little one. Good luck! I hope your little one and you get some well needed rest soon :)



answers from Las Vegas on

my daughter is four months and teething. what I do for her is give her hylands teething tablets and baby orajel before she goes to sleep and so far it's helping. during the day i give her a cold washcloth to chew on. hope it works for you!



answers from San Diego on

Hi J L Teething isn't the most fun part of mother hood, but there are a few things you can do to sooth your little guys, I actually rubbef the tylenol directly on the gums of my babies, I also kept a spoon in the freezer and would massage the gumes with the spoon, the one my babies liked the most and also entertained them was crushed ice werapped in a wash cloth tied off with a rubber band I used to just let them chew and suck on it, they got all wet, but it soothed the gums and entertained them at the same time, and in the heat It's OK if they get wet, also give him cool water to drink, not ice water, that may give him a tummy ache but cool water. Hope this helps. J. L.



answers from Los Angeles on

Baby Orajel has been a great relief for us. Good Luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

My son is now nearly 5 months old and he has been teething since 3 months as well. My son also only naps for about 45 minutes at a time except in the afternoon. I wouldn't worry too much about that unless he's also not sleeping at night. Did you try to Hyland's teething tablets?? Those REALLY seem to work. If he's fussing and putting his fists in his mouth, those seem to calm him right down and if he's really a mess, he typically will fall asleep right after I give them to him. They are homeopathic..not sure what's in them, but they are awesome!! You might want to call your ped about the dose of boy is huge, so when I called they gave me a higher dose to give him which is really helpful. One other thing that will give him short-term relief is a wet wash cloth placed in the freezer for a few minutes for him to suck on.

He also might be gassy from crying so much(from swallowing excess air and saliva). I would try giving him Mylicon (the generic brand works just as well) and see if that helps him sleep.

Good luck!!



answers from Honolulu on

Defer to your Pediatrician.
He seems to have it real bad. So sorry, I totally empathize with you.

Perhaps, try Infant Motrin instead... I find it helps with pain better than Tylenol. Tylenol is great for illness and fever... Motrin for pain. BUT ask your Pediatrician about it first and the dosage.

My kids liked frozen/cold things. A dampened frozen washcloth for example.

Also make sure he is not getting trouble with gas... only because he seems to feel better with you holding him upright...

Also make sure he is getting enough intake, or not getting dehydrated with all the drooling and runny pooping.

take him to the Ped. and make sure it is not something else, in tandem with the teething? Maybe?

All the best,



answers from Grand Junction on

You may want to have him checked for an ear infection. Perhaps the excess saliva from his teething drained into the eustachian tubes or it could be happening coincidentally. The thing that stood out for me in your narrative was the fact that he sleeps for just a short time and prefers to be held upright. My daughter, now 17 months, experienced something quite similar to what you describe. It's worth a shot.



answers from Santa Barbara on

I don't know if it helps to know this, but I have heard that the pain is much worse when they are lying down because of the blood flow going to the head. Hang in there- maybe if you have some kind of upright positioned swing or bouncy chair, he might be ok not being held all the time.
Teething is a bigger part of mothering than I ever knew!
All the best,



answers from Los Angeles on

Baby Bjorn or some other baby carrier... I got a cheap one with my first who is now 8 years old and did not use it. I invested in a Baby Bjorn with my now 9 month old and I cannot tell you how worth it it really is My daughter was soothed when she was fussy and my arms were saved from feeling like they were going to fall off, and I had use of them both at once. Also try Hylands teething tablets (they disolve instantly in water or drool) and also the Colic ones are good when teething. Good luck and hope the little one feels better soon



answers from Los Angeles on

wow. three months is so early to get teeth. are you sure it's his teeth...maybe call dr. and see what she thinks. sounds like you are doing all the right things. frozen bagels and bananas are good but he's too young for time. massage gums? he's so little i'd consult the dr. esp. re tylenol good luck :)



answers from Los Angeles on

I can sure understand what you are going through - My daughter is 13 1/2 months and just cut two lower teeth a few days ago. She now has 8 total, but started getting them the same time as your little guy. I find that during the day the Hylands homeopathic tablets work great and seem to calm your baby down as well as give relief. When I put my daughter down at night I give her baby motrin - Tylenol in your case until he's 6 months I think - which really seemed to allow her to sleep more without waking every hour. It is also good to find something for them to chew on which also seems to give some relief as well as hopfully speed things up - some you can cool off in the fridge which also helps with the swelling and discomfort. Good luck! I promise this will be over sooner than you think!!



answers from Los Angeles on

3 mos is not to early to be teething. My baby girl who just turned one last sunday has been teething since she was six weeks old. I thought that was out of the norm but the doctor told me that its possible and it happens to some and mines is one of them. She has only TWO teeth right now. and she is still teething. We have our long days/nights like you where she just wants me to hold her and walk around. When she has been crying like that I would give her the teething tablets and if that didnt help after two hours then I would rub baby oral gel on her gums and that was great. It nums their gums a little and it would actually help her rest a little.

But it does get better;)



answers from Los Angeles on

Hello, JL,

We purchased some clove oil from the health food store. I would put a drop or two on my fingers and rub it over where my daughter's teeth were coming in. It helped so much and so very quickly!

My best,




answers from Los Angeles on

3 mos isn't too early. Maybe not the norm, but not too early. My son got his at the same time. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. My son didn't suffer like yours but when he did seem to have some pain, I just gave him Hyland's Teething Tablets. Tylenol if the tablets didn't seem to work. This will pass so if holding him is all that works then that's what I'd do.

Best wishes,



answers from Los Angeles on

I totally understand what your going thru. My 3 month old daughter is also teething and we have tried most of the stuff everyone has listed. I found one thing that works. I take a
Q-Tip and dip it into whiskey and rub it on her teeth, then give her motrin. I know it sounds bad, but thats what they did back in the olden days, when they did'nt have all this medicine. However I only use it when she is really hurting.
It's totally up to you, if you want to take that route. I also freeze her binkies and it helps a lot. Hope you find something that will work for her..



answers from San Diego on

Ok this may be the weirdest response, but I just went through the same thing and my son is now 5 mo with 2 bottom teeth. At that time, 3 mo. their stomaches are developing. Yes, the drooling was there, but suddenly GAS had entered our world and my son that never cried was in pain and I couldn't figure out how to correct it. It wasn't the teeth! Do the football hold, he will love it, and lots of burping! Your treating the wrong problem I believe, we now use baby Orajel on the teeth.



answers from Los Angeles on

Try Hylands teething tablets, not the gel. I have heard the gel can actually toughen the gums and make it harder to come through. These tablets were recommended by our hospital. I would also take him in for a quick check to make sure it is teething. My daughter had a viral thing in her throat that caused her to drool like mad! They don't want to swallow the spit because it hurts, best to check things out in my opinion. I thought my dd was teething and tried all these things before finally taking her in and I was so glad I did.

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