Dear Trish,
Go on line to it is a wonderful site that will help you with information about a mountain of things with your baby. I tried to find 'lactose intolerance in babies', but they didn't have that specific question. But, I do think that if you dig deeper than I did you will find help.
Also, go to the County Health Dept and ask for advice, that is what they are there for. I know, doctors have to be jiggled pretty hard sometimes to get them to zero in on your particular problem. My husband has Alzheimer's and none of the doctors see it. Why they don't listen to me 24/7 with him, but they don't. Then I found out that in the first 3 or 4 stages of Alzheimer's, it is not evident in the 'clinical' setting, (meaning the doctor's office visit). Sooooo, we just have to be persistent and keep on searching. Thank God that we have the internet.
Where is your Mama? Every mother needs a Mother, so you need to find one if your mother is not available. Look for a wise older person who is not a busybody and who has had a lot of difficult times in life and has learned from them. Make sure that it is someone that doesn't gossip. Also, after getting advice, always think it over with your own wise brain. Make your own decisions and keep on going. Have a wonderful experience in College. I went when I was about 34 years old and finally finished when I was 54 - lots of time off for earning money and taking care of my family. But it was a good time. You are getting a good early start. Sincerely, C. N.